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Aiden Avery straightened his robes subtly as he stood, tall and regal like all pureblood's as he made his way through the crowd and taking the two steps until he was on the platform, and standing in front of the Minister for Magic. An explosion of pictures were taken, causing lights to flash over a dozen times simultaneously, "The Ministry thanks you for your actions and sacrifice," Spencer-Moon said smoothly, placing the medal on the teens lapel, before they shook hands and turned to face the crowd, before the Minister took a step back, allowing Aiden to speak to the room, as all participants would do.

"Firstly I want to thank you all for coming here tonight to help me celebrate what will probably be one of my greatest achievements of my life," Aiden said, grinning at the crowd, annoyed by all the flashing lightbulbs but paying no attention to it and the laugh he elicited, damn Hadrian had been right. He'd worked with Hadrian and Tom in how to draw the crowd in, to say the right things, even his parents hadn't heard his speech despite their asking him. "Although, truthfully, I don't believe I really deserve it, I was only doing what any one of us would have done. The right thing, at the time I wasn't thinking of medals or celebratory parties, I was just trying to survive. To help my friends survive the assault." Placing his hand close to the medal, as he spoke absently. Pausing to allow room for the aww's and cooing that had come up at his words. He didn't need to look over at his friends to know they were hiding the incredulity at his words, not everyone 'would have done it' and they know it as well as he.

"It was a team effort, from all of us, and I am proud of my friends, they deserve it, and thank you again. I will wear this with pride." He finished, they'd been asked to keep their speech short, with so many recipients, having over ten people giving speeches could potentially take all night. Forty-five seconds was the time they'd been given for their speech length.

Another handshake with the Minister of magic, he was then gestured to leave the platform using the other side. Which he did, fighting to keep the smug smirk appearing on his face. That could come later, when he returned home...depending on what they were doing later, nothing had been discussed.

His smile become a little more genuine when he saw his sister standing and clapping for him. A look of pride on her face, all for him, she gave him a thumbs up, regardless of the disapproval on their parents faces.

"Next I'd like to call to the stage the next recipient for the Order of Merlin first class..." Spencer-Moon said, pausing for dramatic effect, "Antonin Dolohov,"

"Evidently not doing it by alphabetical order," Hadrian mused as he applauded politely.

Antonin stood, and made the same path as Aiden, allowing the Minister to place the medal upon his lapel, his crisp clean black robes and shiny gold medal clearly seen by all. He allowed a small smile to appear on his face as he shook hands and faced the crowd.

"Hello, thank you all so much for coming to mark this day with me and my friends and family it's pretty overwhelming." Dolohov said, clearing his throat, "It means a great deal to us all, we Slytherins tend to get a bad name sometimes...so this...this is an opportunity for everyone to see that we are just like everyone else...I accept this award and hope there is less prejudice with it. Thank you." With that Antonin shook the Minister's hand and with more purpose than Aiden Antonin stalked back towards his seat, head held high, almost defiantly.

The cheering and applause was almost deafening, the moment Antonin sat down, it was a relief, he was beginning to feel a little shaky.

"He has no idea," Hadrian murmured quietly to Tom, he and Tom were the only ones who realized just how bad the prejudice could have gotten in future.

Tom hummed, giving a single nod in agreement, as Fenrir coloured in yet again between them, half a glass of butterbeer wedged between his legs, and a large straw sticking out his mouth as he absently sucked on the brew with glee, he liked it very much. He seemed oblivious to everyone else, despite the knowledge it must be harsh on his ears.

Lord of time (chapter 41-107)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora