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"Fen!" Hadrian said, his entire countenance becoming exceedingly overjoyed, leaving no doubt to anyone that he was happy to see his son. The Healer shifted a little, clearly intimidated, Fenrir was very big, broad and rather unapproachable to an observer. It didn't matter that he dressed very well in a bespoke suit, or dressed in a pair of jeans and a top, he made people nervous. His pack though? He made his pack feel safe.

Fenrir glanced at the Healer; blue eyes intense before shifting back to his dad. He knew the best way to deal with those who had an irrational fear of him. Ignore them, become smaller than them or talk to them in a soft quiet murmur. His father and dad had taught him how to deal with every single possible situation in his life. Not because they feared he would embarrass them, but because they weren't exactly what anyone would call a normal family. They exuded normal, but they were far from it to be laughable.

Padding - as quietly as he could - forward, he claimed the seat that Tom had been in before he left. Taking Hadrian's hand in his, which almost swallowed him whole, his thick callused hand giving a reassuring squeeze. "How are you feeling?" staring enquiringly at his dad, not yet worried, the lead up to it had been more worrisome. Blue eyes flicking towards the countdown, soon, he realized.

"I'll be fine," Hadrian said, squeezing back in return, he had been worse pain, okay, maybe not, but it wasn't far off it. Admittedly, the Cruciatus Curse hadn't been applied for so long. If he ever heard anyone dismissing what it was like giving birth...oh, he was going to give them a piece of his mind. How did women do this more than once? Maybe that was the real reason they didn't have more...either that or St. Mungo's Obliviates how bad the experience really is from them. "You should head back...they need you." clenching his hand into a fist, and Fenrir didn't as much as react or grimace. He was much stronger than anyone would give him credit for, or maybe not, they did see how big he was. It was the full moon tonight.

Fenrir scoffed, "I'm not staying all night, I'll be back in time for the shifting," he informed his dad, "They're all excited to hear what you have." he added. The pack was a whole community onto itself, they all knew his dad well. He never had any unkind words to say about anyone, nobody was cast aside and declared they had no redemption.

Hadrian smiled, a big beaming smile, to be known, liked and revered for the things he had actually done...meant more than anyone would ever know. Especially Tom, who just revelled in the fame as it bought them closer still to their goals. "Hopefully it will be long enough to take a picture...but if not, then that can wait until tomorrow." And yes, he was the only one that cared about pictures, Tom and Fenrir couldn't have cared less.

Most likely because pictures had been the only thing he had of his history, the beginning of his life. Of his parents, peeks into the past were important, and it's why he'd also had so many pictures taken of the pack too. The great hall was bursting with pictures, the walls were covered from top to bottom of all the years, the children delighted in seeing them, and the new ones that were put up.

Fenrir didn't roll his eyes, but it was a near thing, "The baby is going to look the same for weeks there's no need to rush." Especially when he was in pain, and judging by the way he was gripping his hand it was some pain.

"Fenrir..." Hadrian said, "If anything happens, those photos, those memories might be the only thing you have."

Fenrir opened his mouth to say nothing would happen to him, nothing could happen to him.

"It's all I had," Hadrian ended in a confession, voice low and saddened, luckily it wasn't something 'unknown' so the healer couldn't use it against them - or try - because Tom would easily kill her than let her use them. Hadrian wouldn't get a say in it. He'd be quietly pissed, but Tom wouldn't care, for their lives came first before all else.

Lord of time (chapter 41-107)Where stories live. Discover now