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Time seemed to crawl by for the two wizards, it didn't seem likely that the Riddle's would be back tonight, but it was impossible, they wouldn't have left all their lights on if they had no intention of returning. It seemed normal customs were still in full effect even during the war, but given all Hadrian had seen, it didn't really surprise him. It wasn't easy to break the human spirit, this was their way of giving the finger to their enemies, Britain refused to bow down, to surrender, they triumph over them and come out stronger than ever before. If anything that one defining moment should make Tom realize how resilient Muggles were, how strong to overcome all adversary. He didn't want Tom to like them per se, just realize they weren't the weaklings he thought they were. Their weaponry was just going to get even more...well terrifying might not be the right word, but there was just no other name for it, since their weapons weren't exactly a good thing not just for wizards and witches just people in general.

"If you did get this place what would you do with it?" Hadrian asked, he was leaning against the windowsill, they reminded him of the alcoves at Hogwarts. The blackout blind things were firmly in place, but not properly, it was as though it had been done half heartedly or in a rush. It had been such a run down place in the future, Tom had wanted nothing to do with it, using it for convenience during the months leading to his rebirth, and having to leave it behind when he got away to reveal that he was in fact back. He'd had to flee the scene, taking up residence in Malfoy Manor.

"Nothing," Tom stated, sneering at the thought of needing anything from the Riddle's, he didn't care how much it cost or admittedly how nice the mansion was. It was a damn sight better than the orphanage he had grown up in because his father was a disgusting coward who refused to own up to his sons existence.

"I think that could be a mistake," Hadrian commented, sighing softly, boredom was getting the better of him, it was past three o'clock in the morning, they'd been here for over three hours already. "Little Hangleton is a small village and the Riddle's own the area, just out of little Hangleton is the Gaunt shack and the land they have, putting up wards would secure you the largest and grandest of all manors, the pureblood's would be eating their hearts out, its easy enough to expand and as you know the bigger the property the more respect you get - pureblood's confuse the hell out of me." he admitted wryly.

"It's a show of prestige and money, the more you have the higher your standing, the more they wish to be like you and use you for their own ends but it goes both ways for most part." Tom replied automatically, he had spent enough time around pureblood's and had learned all their ways, what he hadn't got word of mouth he had gotten from reading their thoughts. "It's almost as important as your name," only almost though.

"Power, name and fortune," Hadrian muttered amused, "The three big things required to rub elbows with any elite society." Muggle or wizard something they had in common. "Truth is they're a bunch of sheep who like to think they're better than everyone else."

Tom smirked ferally, "That is what makes them perfect followers."

"It's also what makes them ultra competitive," Hadrian said derisively, "Take Avery for example, although I'm not quite sure why he took to antagonising me, its usually just Muggle-born's and half-blood's the others take aversions to. He went into a lot of trouble to get me out of the picture."

Tom's smirk disappeared and his face darkened like a stormy cloud, "He was jealous, still is, he believed he was better knowledgeable in whom I should date than I."

"Wait, what?" Hadrian turned to face Tom gaping just slightly, completely stunned. "He's gay?" he couldn't have changed the past that much that he'd made Avery's sexual preferences to a complete turn.

"I believe he was more attracted to power, he inevitably wished to join the house of Avery with the house of Slytherin," Tom replied, he had gleaned every single thought from the wizards head in his fury to find out what had happened.

Lord of time (chapter 41-107)Where stories live. Discover now