~ Chapter 38 ~ The Power Of Anger Is Fearful

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~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

I heard my door open without anyone knocking and knew it was Colette as she was the only one who could enter without knocking. I then saw a women walk up the stairs and indeed it was Colette.

I just raised an eyebrow at her random appearance in my office.

" Afternoon to you too I guess." She said sounding annoyed, heading to go sit on a couch

" What's up with you today?" I asked

After I asked that question I earned a glare from her.

" Archons! Colette what do you want?" I asked sounding annoyed

Her glare only got more viscous as I spoke.

" If you're gonna come here and glare at me all day, Leave." I said glaring at her back

" What has gotten into you.." She muttered

" What has gotten into you? You're acting alot more Bitchy these days."

" Bitchy? I beg your pardon?"

" You heard what I said." I replied

" Wriothesley, what on Teyvat has gotten into you."

I just keep quiet and stared at her looking annoyed

" Colette. If you're going to come here for nonsense, get out."

After I said that I glared at her and guided my eyes to the door.

" Wriothesley. This new person of you, I Hate It, Why is it all because your dating Neuvillette you feel some type of authority.?"

After she said that I felt a wind of anger overcome me. How dare she say because of Neuvillette I'm different. Neuvillette has literally changed my life making me feel better about myself.

" Get Out." I said with a bit of anger in my voice

" No." She replied standing up from the couch she was sitting on

I then stood up from my desk and went to go stand in front of her.

" Colette. Get out of my office now." I said sounding a bit sterner

" Did you perhaps not hear me? I said No."

I then glared at her.

" What a best friend you are." Slipped of my tongue

" What!?" She exclaimed

" Oh my bad what I meant to say is that, Colette you are the worst friend someone could ever ask for. You're useless and add no value in peoples lives." I spoke sounding irritated

" Oh Me!? The worst Friend!? USELESS?" She shouted.

" Was I not clear?" I replied

" Your calling the person who helped you find your love for Neuvillette useless!? YOUR CALLING THE PERSON WHO CONSOLED YOU DURING NEUVILLETTE NOT WAKING UP USELESS!?" She shouted

" Yes. I am, I never needed your help Colette."

Her jaw started to open slightly as she started to Look at me in disgust.

~ 3rd Person Perspective ~

" I can't believe you. Wriothesley you have cha-." Colette tried to speak

But before she could say anything else. Wriothesley couldn't stop himself and in anger and frustration. He punched Colette on the right side of her cheek causing it to be red and bleed a little.

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