~ Chapter 20 ~ But What Happens If I Touch The Anntenas?

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~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

I was walking to the Palais Mermonia to go and see Neuvillette, but as I walked in Furina stopped me.

" Duke Wriothesley." She started

" Yes, Lady Furina?" I replied

" Follow me to my office, I'd like to talk to you."

" Certainly." I replied

I won't lie this is a bit odd. Furina literally despised me that last time I was here. But I then followed her, and she let me in her office.

I then walked in and sat down on a chair in front of her desk.

" So, Duke Wriothesley," she started

" I Apologise for the time I hit you with a book firstly. I just acted out in anger. And it was incredibly wrong for me to do that." She spoke

Am I feeling ok? Furina. The Hydro Archon of Teyvat? Apologising to the Duke of Meropide.
This has to be Neuvillette's doing and no other. Furina would never apologise to someone out of the ordinary.

" alright. I accept your apology." I replied

" Archons I hate Neuvillette for making me do this." She mumbled

I could here's her mumbling and just chuckled in my response

" ALRIGHT! That aside." She began to speak

Oh here she is, here's the real Furina.. archons what does she have to say to me now.

" Wriothesley." She started

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow.

" It appears you and the Ludex, well love each other." She finished

" Yes? Is there a problem?"

" well not really, But I have noticed you both are pretty flirtatious with each other and, you have hugged, kissed and cuddled multiple times." She explained

After she said this I was a bit embarrassed as to how did she know we did all that I thought it was private? But when Furina is your archon there isn't any privacy is there?

" I can't say I disagree with you Lady Furina, but where did you get all this information from?" I asked

" well Neuvillette simply told me." She answered

Well there it comes out, Neuvillette told our archon about our shenanigans.. I'm not mad at him for it but I would just like to know why he did it.

" Understandable." I replied

" but that aside Wriothesley."

" Yes, what is the new topic you wish to move to?" I asked

" well you do all these things with Neuvillette. But are the two of you dating?" She asked

I immediately froze and started to turn a bit pale. She was right! I was doing all these things but Neuvillette wasn't really my Boyfriend.. but he's so confused in his life and having a boyfriend would just confuse him more right? Or so I thought

" Wriothesley??" Furina Groaned

" Uh yes- I'm asking him out tomorrow I've had it planned." I responded quickly

" oh? Well my bad I had no idea you had already planned on asking him to be your Boyfriend." She replied

" Yeah. No I've had it planned for awhile now I'm doing at the Fountain Of Lucine. It was where we originally first met, After his return.

" Understood your grace. I wish you the best of luck as you do it." She answered

I then stood up and walked to the door of her office but stopped when I heard her say my name

" Wriothesley."

" Yes?" I replied

" please take care of him for me.. He's really fragile and innocent to this human world. Please take care of him and protect him from things he should not be seeing. He's been in my care for awhile now. But I now give this position to you. As He's companion."

" I won't disappoint you Lady Furina. I will take care of him like he's a child if my own." I replied

She then chuckled and smiled as I left the room.

I then left her office and headed to Neuvillette's office as that is what I came here to do. I knocked on the door and he said Come in. But when I walked in he looked so shocked. But it was understandable because I didn't tell him that's I was coming.

" Wriothesley?" He said confused

" no nickname?" I replied

" My apologies, Wrio."

" But what brings you here? Is something the matter in the Fortress." He asked

" Nope nothings wrong in the Fortress, I just simply wanted to see you." I replied

After I said this his face turned red and he got a bit flustered.

" Are you alright?" I asked

" Y- Y- Yes. Have a seat Wrio."

I then sat on a sofa near a large window. And I thought he was going to leave his paperwork for me but he didn't. He continued to do it while I was here. so I will have to take matters into my own hands.

I stood up and walked to his desk and put my hand over the papers he was signing forcing him to look at me. He looked at me with a stunned expression as no one really disturbed him with his work. So I was playing a risky game.

" What in Celestia are you doing Wriothesley?"

I didn't say a word and I walked behind him to where he was sitting I then took my hands and wrapped them around his waist whilst he was sitting. And bent down to whisper in his ear.

" Not leaving work for your Wriothesley?" I whispered

He then froze as in I could feel his whole body freeze and not move.

" Neuv.. Neuvi dear are you fine?" I asked sounding a bit panicked

" Wh- Wh-.." he tried to speak

But I saw he wasn't okay, so I immediately carried him out of his chair and onto a couch in his office. I laid him down on the couch and he started to calm down.

" Wr- Wriothesley." He called

" Yes Yes, Neuvillette I'm here." I responded quickly

" I- I- forgot to tell you, because I don't know how to really express my emotions I can get to a point where I feel to many and then my body and mind completely freezes."

" oh- I had no idea." I replied

He just continued to state at me while he lied down

" so what I did triggered you to freeze?" I asked

" Yes, but it wasn't your fault.. when you wrapped your arms around my waist I was already experiencing multiple emotions when you first entered."

" You're already feeling lots of emotions so.. let's make it worse." I said while smirking

I then picked him up from where he was lying down and Held him and while I held him I sat down on a couch and made him sit on lap, whilst he sat on my lap I took my hand and started gently stroking his antennas.

" Wr- Wriothesley!" He shouted.

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