~ Chapter 3 ~ So Much Paperwork

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~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

As me and Colette walked in we were greeted by many wealthy Fontainians, as well as Furina herself.

" Ah- Colette! So glad that you came!" Furina Exclaimed

" It's nice to see you to again Furina" She smiled

" Oh yes Of Course! That reminds me I have something I would like to show you"

Without letting Colette speak Furina grabbed her arm and they vanished.

Wow as if I wasn't here when Colette walked in. As a matter of fact I was even standing next to her. But that's Furina for you I guess.

" Good Morning Duke Wriothesley!" Sedene said happily

"Ah- good morning Sedene, Do you know where I can get my access license?"

" Yes I do know, matter of fact I'm the melusine that has been assigned to help you get your access license today!" She said happily

I didn't notice but a smile had crept onto my face, its just something a melusine does that always manages to trigger a smile or some sense of happiness in you.

"Alright sedene, walk me through the process how does it work."

She tilted her head in confusion because there was no process.

" Your Grace, there is no process I just simply have to hand you some papers to sign."

" Well isn't that convenient just papers to sign Great I'll do them now."

" Sure Duke Wriothesley just give me a chance to go fetch the papers."

I Waited against the door of Neuvillettes's office, still in shock how he's making a return after so long. A few minutes later Sedene came with the papers, but when I saw that stack of papers I realized I'm gonna be here for an extremely long time. Not only were the papers stacked high but for some reason they were thick. Like 1 page is 4 pages. I wanted to cry but I couldn't I had to suck it up. And sign all of these if i want to go see the trial.

" Sorry I'm a bit late Duke Wriothesley." Sedene smiled

" Oh no worries Sedene those papers look quite heavy anyway."

" Duke Wriothesley I need you to sign all of thee papers and they need to be done by 4:30 PM, see its 1:00 PM now so you do have a lot of time."

" Great thanks Sedene." I said smiling

But I knew deep inside this is gonna be the worst 3 hours and 3o minutes of my life.

~ Colettes Perspective ~

"Wow. Furina its truly amazing what you have done here" I exclaimed

" I know, I'm just that amazing of an Archon." She replied

I let out a small chuckle before turning back to leaver her office

" Not staying for tea?"She asked

" I think i should go check on Wriothesley, It had been quite awhile since I saw him Furina"

" Alright, I understand go check on your " Boyfriend" She said with a smirk on her face

I couldn't help but feel so disgusted at that way she addressed Wriothesley to me, it just honestly doesn't feel right, we're only friends?

" We're not together Furina for the hundredth time." I glared at her but she didn't see

" Yeah! Yeah! Whatever you say Colette."

I left her office going to the entrance of the Palais Mermonia and found Wriothesley on a desk, he looked miserable and tired and so done of it.  I was holding back laughter when I walked up to him.

" So we weren't expecting this much paperwork were we?" I said with a smirk on my face

He only rolled his eyes to me in response while continuing to going back to finishing the paper work.

" Colette I am 2 Pages away from punching you." He shouted

" Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night." I replied

I could hear him scoff as I went to sit on a bench while waiting for him to finish so we can go. After waiting for which felt like an eternity he was done at 4:28 PM two minutes before he had to be done. He handed the work to Sedene and she gave Wriothesley an access license said he was free to go to the Court event. Only then did we leave the Palais Mermonia.

" The sun is setting." Wriothesley Stated

" Yeah, No shit" I replied

He chuckled at my response and suggested we go watch the sunset. And I agreed.

We got to a specific Mountain in Fontaine where we sat and our legs sway off the edge. Feeling the breeze on our body's. Ill be honest this was very calming and made me feel at peace.

" you know Colette I'm really grateful I have you as a friend, more or like a best friend" He smiled

" Me to Wriothesley me to.." I said with a smile

We both sat there watching the sunset in complete silence till it became dark and the moonlight lit up the sky. We then walked down from the mountain having a small conversation before parting ways when we reached the fountain of Lucine.

~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

I thought to myself on how, I never realized how calm it is to watch a sunset with a friend.  It is actually really enjoyable.

As I got down into Meropide and made my way to my apartment. I put my stuff on the table near the entrance and headed straight to my room ready to sleep. After signing and writing all those papers I need a rest.

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