~ Chapter 47 ~ Now Thyne May Reveal Thyne Selves.

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~ Neuvillette's Perspective ~

Wrio and I walked to the Palais Mermonia, Entering the building and heading to my office.

" Where's Sedene?" Wrio asked

" I gave her the day off as today were just having a meeting with the others." I replied

We went into my office and Wrio almost immediately threw himself down on a couch.

" What, did we wake up too early for you?" I teased

" Just a bit too early.." he said whilst yawning

" You're free to nap on the couch if you would like to."

" And waste time to admire you from this View. Never" He replied

I then felt my face turn a bit red from blush.

" You're so adorable when you blush my Sovereign."

" Thank you." I replied trying to manage my emotions

He then chuckled and smiled.

" How long until the others get here?" He asked

" They should be here in a few minutes, The only person I'd expect to be late if Furina. She takes and incredibly long time to get ready for some reason."

" Odd. I thought she would be the first one here as she lives at the top of this Building." Wrio added

" She is quite the Fashionista when it comes to looking and appearing good."

" I figured." Wrio said whilst chuckling

I sat down on my desk to gather some papers for the meeting when I came across more Gold Dust. It was strangely more this time and some even stained my glove.

" Morax.." I muttered to myself

" Huh?" Wrio questioned

" There's more Gold Dust on my desk, And it's in large quantities. Some even stained my glove." I said showing him my glove

" Zhongli is really testing the Hydro Sovereign today.." he spoke

" If he were to show his appearance I wonder if he would even return alive.." I added

" Don't go and kill an Archon Neuvi. Thats a bit extreme.."

" I can only promise not to kill him. But hurting him will unfortunately be unpreventable." I said smiling at him

" Sure, Hurt him I guess." He replied chuckling

~* Knock Knock *~

" They must be here." I spoke

" No worries I'll go get it." Wrio said as he stood up and walked towards the door.

" Clorinde, Navia, Charlotte, Furina and Colette. Neuvi." He spoke

" Let them in." I replied

He let them in and closed the door behind him. While he did so I placed a seal of Hydro in front of the door. It made it so no one may enter. While also making sure no matter how loud we shouted or spoke no one would hear a thing.

" Morning Clorinde, Navia, Charlotte, Colette and Furina." I spoke sounding as formal as I could be.

When I greeted I couldn't help but notice this "Colette" she has been so devoted to all of Fontaine and helping her Friends when in Time of help.. Why does she not wield a Vision?
But anyways putting that aside its time to start and get to the problem.

" Well I have called you all here today because Fontaine has yet another issue." I started

" What is it now!" Furina groaned

" Fontaine always has some issue, We are yet to decide what we are going to do for Furina's situation. Now we must deal with another one?" Clorinde added

" I understand we have a lot of problems at stake right now but they are going to get solved. Within time." I replied

" So what's the Problem?" Navia asked

" We have a God roaming the city of Fontaine."

" A G- God?" Furina stuttered

" Yes. A god is currently roaming the city of Fontaine. Not causing any issues but leaving behind a rather interesting Element in our area." I spoke

" What element is it?" Clorinde asked

" It is the element of Geo." I replied

" Geo?" Colette questioned

" Yes, Colette. Geo. Does it perhaps ring a bell to you?" I asked staring at her

The whole room proceeded to stare at her as well as we awaited an answer.

" Yes it does. I have been noticing in my House above here on the surface there has been strange markings of Gold Dust." She replied

" Yeah! Gold Dust right! In the steambird we have had too many markings of those. You would swear that place is fully gold because of all those markings.. it's on our articles our printers, pens and almost everything!" Charlotte added

" Interesting." I muttered

" Clorinde, Navia and Furina. Any sightings of it from your side?" I asked

" Nothing from me I haven't caught site of it once." Furina spoke

" Clor and I have not encountered any as well." Navia spoke

" So it's only. I, Wriothesley, Charlotte and Colette who has encountered such Gold Dust.." I replied

" Yes. It appears it has only happened to the four of you. But if I may ask Monsieur, how did it happen for you and Wriothesley." Navia

I motioned for Wrio to speak but he hesitated as he was still a bit fearful from the letter and didn't want to speak about it again. I then gave him a reassuring nod telling him it's okay I'll do the speaking.

" We were eating dinner yesterday night. And a letter slipped through underneath my door. When I got the letter it was drenched in this Gold Dust. So I then knew that Morax had something to do with the letter. The letter however read. Greetings, Hydro Sovereign. I know what you have done now, and let's say I'm not going to be very nice during my visit in Fontaine. What you did was horrific and I do not know what persuaded you to do such. However, I will give you one tip of advice. You better keep Wriothesley near you at all times." I spoke

" Thats Foul.." Navia spoke

" Zhongli sure has a death wish if he threatens the Iudex with Wriothesley." Furina added

" Well I think he is rather delusional because he thinks he can get near Wriothesley." Clorinde added

I then gave Wrio a look telling him that he is safe. I saw he calmed down a bit after hearing the others speak.

" We just have a few problems at hand now. One being Furina's Dilemma, Two The Prophecy, and Lastly this Archon roaming our city spreading this Gold Dust." I spoke

" But Neuvillette, do you know why Zhongli would do such a thing, I know him he is a very well mannered man and doesn't act like this unless something really upset him." Furina asked

" I too would also like to know what I have done Furina." I replied

" You know excatly what you have Done. Lucette Neuvillette." A heavy voice sounded

" Huh!? What is happening!" Navia yelled

A powerful mist of Gold dust covered the room and when it vanished Morax revealed Himself. Standing in the Centre of the room.

" That- that's impossible!" I exclaimed softly

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