~ Chapter 31 ~ Wait So Who Is The Hydro Archon?

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~ Um Enjoy the Chapter I Guess?

~ Colette's Perspective ~

I went up the elevator in the Palais Mermonia and headed to Furina's apartment. When I was at the door. It was as if I could hear muffled crying..

I knocked on the door and waited to be let in.

" C- C- Come in.." I heard a crying voice say

When I walked in I found the Hydro Archon of Fontaine on the floor of her apartment weeping with tissues everywhere.

" Oh- Furina.." I muttered kneeling down to go to comfort her.

" PLEASE! PLEASE TELL ME HE'S ALIVE." She begged with tears in her eyes

" Yes.. Furina he is alive." I replied softly

" T- Thank you!!" She shouted with tears running down her face

I just watched her cry and started to then feel bad for her..

" I'm a wreck of an archon, Colette aren't I?" She asked

I looked up at her with shock in my eye as to why would she say that.

" Furina.. no matter how much of a mistake you make you aren't a wreck of an archon.." I replied

" But I-"

Before she could finish anything, I pulled her into a hug as she was stressing herself out. Two minutes go by and Furina is still in my arms weeping softly. But I started to stroke her hair as she was in my arms. ButI immediately stopped myself after realizing what I was doing. but shortly after she spoke

" Don't stop.. please." She asked

I was a bit stunned by this answer but I listened and continued to stroke her light blue soft hair. Noticing it also had a very sweet fragrance. I noticed she calmed down and I pulled away from my embrace leaving her to only sit up.

" Furina. We both know that you are not a wreck of an Archon ok?" I spoke to her with a small smile

" but I am Colette. Something is wrong with me and it's terribly bad! I can't be making mistakes every single time!" She exclaimed

" Furina.. what do you mean every single time?" I asked

" I Threw a book at Wriothesley one time causing him to bleed. I now flood the whole of the Steambird and almost killed the Hydro Sovereign."

I just gave her a look of defeat as she pointed out her points.

" Well, Furina the thing is.. what you said is true." I said anxiously

" Don't you think I know that Colette." She replied sounding a bit annoyed

I then just looked her helpless. As I couldn't do anything. She did almost kill the Ludex..

However, I do still find it odd that Neuvillette almost died from one blow when he's a literal dragon..? it just doesn't make sense.

" Well. Furina you are fine to leave your office and regain a normal Fontainian life. The Ludex is however able to press charges against you." I explained

She just nodded lightly in response.

I then started to stand up to leave but she stopped me

" No. please don't go." She asked softly

" Sorry?" I replied

" P- Please don't go Colette.." she repeated

" A- Alright.. is there anything you wish to tell me Furina?" I asked

" Y- Yes.."

I sat down on the floor again facing her.

She then took a huge deep breath before telling me what she wanted to say..

" I give you the right to be shocked or stunned at what I'm about to tell you.. B- But you may not tell anyone may they be in Fontaine or any other region in Teyvat."

" Understood. I won't tell a single soul." I replied

" That single soul also Includes Wriothesley and Neuvillette. And please be careful Neuvillette is phenomenal at temptation. He can easily temp you into tell him all you know."

" I promise Furina I won't tell a single soul." I repeated picking up her hand to hold it while smiling

She was a bit shocked that I held her hand, But she let me.

" I'm sorry to Focalors for doing this.." she started

I just looked at her in confusion.

" Colette." She spoke seriously

" I'm not the Hydro Archon.." She finished

What? What does she mean she isn't the Hydro Archon? She is FurinaDeFontaine? How is she not the Hydro Archon..

" I'm sorry.. But what do you mean Furina?" I asked

" I'm- I'm not the archon to Fontaine.." she finished

I just stared at her in pure shock.. as this wasn't easy information I'm receiving.

" I'm sorry Furina.. But how? Could you perhaps explain?" I asked

After I said this She started to tear up heavily and before she spoke she was already crying.

I just decided that this is a sensitive topic that she was talking about so. As she sat in front of me I just held her hand and gently Guided her into my embrace. She then went straight into my embrace and when she did she Cried.. and cried Heavily.

" I- I've been p- pretending to be a- a- a God.." she spoke whilst sobbing heavily

" Now now.. Dear Furina." I whispered into her ear

She continued to sob but continued to talk whilst she sobbed.

" F- Focalors had as- asked me to pretend to be a G- God s- so she can Fulfill something about the Prophecy.." She continued whilst crying even harder now

" A- And She-."

" That's enough Furina.. This conversation is slowly breaking you and I can't have that. Please may we talk about this another time. And right now care for your well-being." I interrupted

" But.. Colette. Im so Lonley!" She whispered loudly

" Hush my dear Furina, For you are not alone anymore.. you have now told me of your secret. And I will keep It a secret whilst trying to help you in the best way possible." I spoke straight to her face

She then nodded slightly face still teary. And I took my hand and wiped her tears with a cloth. And while I did so I smiled at her as gratitude for her telling me what was wrong.

" I- I really appreciate you Colette." She spoke softly in my embrace

" I appreciate and Love you Furina." I replied

" L- Love?" She whispered

" Yes, Love." I replied

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