~ Chapter 28 ~ Well The Steambird Is Going To Need To Go Under Repair

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~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

I walked out of my office as I wanted to go see Neuvillette on the surface. But as I walked through Meropide I was greeted by some rather Horrific and Disgusted stares and when I mean disgusted I mean disgusted..

But what did I do? I haven't done anything wrong matter of fact I just saved one of the pipes from exploding this Morning. What could they all be mad about? I tried to ignore all of the stares I was receiving but when I walked passed a lady I heard her mutter

" I thought it were the Duke and Colette?" She muttered

What's happening is really strange. I need to ask someone what's going on. Just as I was Walking to the entrance of Meropide I caught site of Adalbert. He'll be sure to know, what's going on right?

I approached him and when I did he looked very nervous and anxious. Come on this thing even affected one of my favorite security guards! Regardless I'm still going to talk to him.

" Afternoon Adalbert." I spoke

" Oh- D- Duke Wriothesley.." He spoke fairly fast

He stuttered.. Adalbert never stutters.. ok this just proves something is up and whatever it is, it is directed to me a lot.

" Are you Perhaps alright?" I asked

" Oh- Me.. Yes yes... Im Alright Your Grace."

He's acting really weird.. but let me just ask the question I came here to ask.

" Do you perhaps know what's going on in the Fortress? Everyone is staring at me in a rather peculiar way." I asked

" I- I-... Uh..." He tried to speak

" You?" I asked

" Your Grace, I feel it isn't in my position to share the news with you.. Erm in this instance the Chief Justice can help you figure this matter out." He explained

Archons! How bad can this thing be that not even My own Security guard can't tell me what's going on..

" Very well Adalbert." I replied then left

What's happening is very strange and I do not really like it much.

I paced to the entrance of Meropide and went up the lift almost immediately. But when I walked through the entrance room the Receptionist looked horrified when she saw me..

What On Teyvat Is Going On!!!

I went up the elevator and landed on the surface.. Phew all those stares are done with Boy am I glad. I started to walk towards the Fountain of Lucine. And there were people but they weren't staring at me weirdly at least!

I made my way to the streets of Fontaine and for some reason it was really busy for a Monday afternoon.. but as I walked through the streets and floods of people I heard gasps and tongue clicks all direction to me!


I tried to pace through the crowd but it was hard. Which meant in some places I would be walking slow and people would get a chance to gasp or glare at me. It was very uncomfortable.. not even it was extremely uncomfortable!

As I was almost near the Palais Mermonia a group of Fontainians were slowly approaching me and they looked angry.. Maybe even a bit enraged. But then again, I am the Duke of Meropide. Can they really harm me?

I did want answers to what was going on so I started walking towards them as they walked towards me. Soon after we were both facing each other.

" Well isn't it Wriothesley." A man in the group spoke

" Thats Duke Wriothesley or Your Grace to you." I replied with a stern voice.

" Pfft! I don't need to call you by your label when you go around gallivanting with our Chief Justice." He replied

He knows? B- But how! We went so late at night and no Fontainian would even get the sense that we were together! I was a bit anxious after he said that but I didn't show that I was a bit fearful. and just decided to play like I didn't know what he was talking about.

" Me? Gallivanting with the Ludex? Are you perhaps feeling alright sir."  I asked

" Don't Play dumb with me Wriothesley."

" Duke Wriothesley or Your Grace. Have I made myself clear?" I replied with a bit of anger in my voice

After I said this the rest of his group disappeared like they basically fled for their lives.

" You're a waste of my time.. But I will support you with some needy information. do try checking the Steambird because you are a headless chicken in the streets of Fontaine as you clearly don't know what's going on at the moment Your Grace..." He said with a light smirk on his face

But before I could say anything he vanished.. That is really really odd. Today is just a really Odd day.. I really hope seeing Neuvillette can Fix it..

I started walking towards the door of the Palais Mermonia but stopped when I heard my phone ring.. after it rang once I answered it immediately.

" Wriothesley!" Colette shouted

" Colette? What's going on is everything ok?" I asked sounding worried

" No! Things are not ok! Neuvillette and Furina are about to kill each other if you don't show up now!" She shouted

" Wha? What! What do you mean!"

" I can't explain anything! Please just come now! I have to go and hold Furina back as she's about to hurt Neuvillette badly." She exclaimed

" Wait! Wait! Colette Where are you guys?" I asked in a hurry

" We're in the Steambird! You'll see us immediately when you walk in!" She exclaimed quickly

" Alright Im coming!" I replied

I Basically fled from the Palais Mermonia to the Steambird. I ran as fast as I could and left people seeing me running as if they had seen a ghost. I almost somehow managed to make an old lady pass out! Luckily the lady behind her caught her before she fell.

If I was able to make an old lady pass out then something is definitely wrong and there are news in all of Fontaine and Meropide! And not just any news. News about me and Neuvillette! Which just makes it even worse!

I stopped running as I approached the Door to the Steambird and began to walk at a slower pace.

" I really hope everyone is alright in there." I whispered to myself

When I opened the door to gain entrance to the room, I heard Colette shout.

" FURINA! NOO!" Colette shouted

After that All I saw was a huge blast of hydro, blast straight into Neuvillette's face.

" NEUVILLETTE!" I shouted

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