~ Chapter 21 ~ Well That's What Happens If You Touch A Dragons Anntenas

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~ Neuvillette's Perspective ~

I just sat there in his lap, trying to hold back my instincts to let out my dragon form, Touching a dragons antennas is not done for a reason. If they're touched and touched especially by their companion their dragon form is prone to come out.

Wriothesley started to stroke them a bit rougher than before. It was feeling okay at first but it when he started getting a bit rougher I had to tell him to please stop or go Gentler.

But before I could say anything. Wriothesley did the unthinkable. He grabbed both of my antennas and starting to play with them. It was after he did that My tail just came out.

( if a word is worded like this ~*.~* it's an onomatopoeia or sound word)


" OH SHIT!" He yelled

I simply looked at him annoyed


" Well, You did touch my antennas at the end of the day." I replied


I kept giving him a look of annoyance. But spoke shortly after

" Wriothesley, first of all watch your Language when you're talking to me. Secondly it's common sense that a dragon has a large Tail. Because why on Teyvat would the tail of a Sovereign be small and not large. I'm a Sovereign Wriothesley. Thirdly I told you. Do Not Touch My Antennas. And this is exactly the reason why."

" Pfft. Hahahahahahahhahaha." He laughed

I looked at him and raised an eyebrow as to why he was laughing.

" Your so cute when your serious." He said while laughing

~ Wriothesley's Perspective ~

I continued to laugh a bit after I saw Neuvillette say that sentence and try lecturing me.

But when I went to go look at his tail again

" It's Gone." He said sternly

But I couldn't take anything serious at this time. Keep in mind he was still on my lap. So I took advantage of this and Held his waist tightly.

" Wr- Wriothesley.. that grip is a bit tight" He spoke

" I know. I don't want to loose you that's why." I replied

He tried to get out of my grasp but I didn't allow it. He moved he fidgeted but he just couldn't get out. I was a bit surprised as I could keep a whole Sovereign in my hold.

" Let me go." He said in a stern voice

" Make me." I replied with a smirk

But to my surprise he smirked. And before I knew it

Neuvillette stood up out of my grasp so easily. He then grabbed me by my Waist and pinned me up against a window he's face inches away from mine.

" is that a challenge?" He asked while smirking

" I- I- How!" I exclaimed

" You and Furina always forget I'm a sovereign. And think you can over power me. It's funny actually."

" Neuvillette, Why you!! You faked that you couldn't get out of my grasp." I shouted

" Seems you have figured out my plan." He replied

I was very flustered during all of this hence I was being pinned up against the wall by the Ludex and he still hasn't let me go. Before I could say something he- He- Archons! Come over me now.

He let me go from the wall holding my waist in a tight grasp not letting me go. He then took me and made me lie down on a couch on his office I tried to move or escape his hold but I couldn't.

I then found myself lying down on the couch. And staring at the ceiling. But before I could say anything Neuvillette spoke and said

" Sit." He commanded in a stern intimidating look.

I was absolutely stunned by this. Where's the Neuvillette who couldn't control he's emotions! Wheres the one that was Flustered! Where's the one that was all sad half of the time! Archons he grew up and he grew up fast.

I'm here being commanded by the Ludex Of Fontaine! It's ridiculous!!

" Sulking isn't gonna solve your problem Wriothesley." He said whilst doing paperwork.

" Oh shut up." I replied with a bit of annoyance in my voice

" Telling your own significant other to shut up? interesting.." he muttered

" FINE!!!! Sorry! I don't want you to shut up I just want to be near you please! I just want to hold you and braid or play with your hair! Neuvillette all I want is you!! Please!" I begged

" Is the Duke begging for his Ludex?" He asked sounding inquisitive

I gave him a small nod. But after I then felt that force that was forcing me down vanish.

" alright then. Come hold and be near me Wriothesley." He spoke

I just stood up and looked at him with my jaw dropped. Ok what has gotten into this Ludex he would never just let me go and hold him? No something is fishy here. He caught me looking all confused as if I wanted to figure out something and spoke.

" Wrio? Why are we so confused?" He asked

" I- Uh- Why are you just letting me come and Hold you, Your acting werid Neuvillette." I replied

" Well, I would be lying if I said I don't enjoy your company. And I also would be lying if I said I don't enjoy when you cuddle or hold me in your embrace.." he explained

" Oh.. so the Ludex, enjoys his Duke'a company and enjoys the cuddles and embraces he receives?" I said with a smirk

" Don't get smart with me Wriothesley. I can get you powerless on that Couch again." He said in his stern voice

" Alright Alright. I won't get smart with you my dear Ludex. But do let me Embrace you for an awhile." I asked

" You may do as you wish." He replied

I then walked to him and took his hand and we went and sat on a couch. I then pulled him close to me very close so our body temperatures could warm each other up. When he was in my embrace. I gave him a small kiss on his Forehead.

He smiled at my action and kissed my neck in aresponse.

" I won't lie I am a bit tired." he spoke

" Then be my guest. Neuvi, sleep in my embrace and I'll protect you in your slumber." I replied

" You are very good with your words Wrio." He whispered

I chuckled and kissed him on the lips wishing him a good nap in my embrace.

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