Chapter 01

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A sighed escaped from the lips of the young man as he stared at his own reflection from the mirror. Seeing himself who looked unhealthily skinny with messy hair and dark circles surrounding his eyes.

He hated to see his own reflection.

'Another day to life this meaningless life.' He thought.

The moment he took a step out of his room, he could feel something underneath his foot. When he lifted his foot to check, he actually stepped on noodles scattered on the floor.

He made a disgusted face.

And that's when someone threw a cushion to his face.

He shut his eyes tight as he took a deep breath.

"I swear, I pray everyday so that one day god will take your life away." His drunk older brother said.

"And I pray everyday so that god will grant what you prayed for." He retorted.

His brother chuckled bitterly.

"Don't you dare talking back to me with such voice and face. Honestly, I could kill you now if I want to. Having you in my life are really burdensome to me." He nagged, giving his younger brother a displeased look.

"It's not that you give me money and foods."

"I PROVIDED YOU A SHELTER. Be grateful that I still let you stay here or else you'll be homeless by now." And by that, he went to his room leaving the younger one standing there.

Jeon Wonwoo, the younger brother.

Wonwoo didn't have any other choice, he have to clean the messy house even though it was his brother's doings. Though his brother treated him like a trash, Wonwoo never actually disobey his brother because he's still grateful with the fact that his brother lets him stay with him in the small apartment.

Their parents passed away on Wonwoo's 12th birthday and ever since that, his brother despises him so much. How he wish he's the one who died instead of their parents. His brother who's 17 at that time, had to drop out of school to starts working in order to feed himself and Wonwoo.

Wonwoo could leave his brother, but thinking he's the only family he have left and the fact that his brother had taken care of him since he was 12, he thought that he owed his brother a lot though his brother was never really sincere in taking care of him.

But lately, his brother rarely works and is always drinking everyday.

It stressed Wonwoo way too much.

He actually couldn't endure of living with his brother anymore.

That's why sometimes Wonwoo thought about ending his life because he didn't find any reason to continue living his life anymore. His parents died because of him, his brother hates him and wants him dead, his grades were very bad.

Nothing good ever happened to him.

Fast forward to school, the place that Wonwoo dreads to go to the most. As much as he dreads going home, he dreads going to school too. Not having friends, being bad in literally every subjects, getting scolded by his teachers is already his daily routine at school.

"Whenever I announced the student who failed the tests, it's always you." Said Mrs. Kim as she raised an eyebrow at her student, giving him her annoyed death glare.

"Sorry, Mrs. Kim."

"You said sorry every time you failed. Hearing sorry from you is only making me nauseous. Instead of saying sorry, why don't you try something else? Something that could work more better than apologizing?" She crossed both her arms together.

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