Angry Rudra

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The next morning, Aditi woke up nestled in Rudra's arms, her cheeks flushing with a shy smile as she remembered their passionate kiss from the previous night. However, her reverie was interrupted by a faint cry from Aayansh's crib. Reacting swiftly, she carried Aayansh to the balcony, where the delightful weather greeted them with its pleasant cool breeze.

Soon after, Aditi decided to take Aayansh downstairs and stroll around the garden. While doing so, she noticed Vaishali preparing to leave in the morning. Greeting Vaishali with a warm "good morning," Aditi inquired about her early departure. Vaishali mentioned she was heading out for a walk and suggested Aditi join her instead of strolling in the garden. Aditi hesitated, mentioning Rudra was still asleep, but Vaishali assured her that on a Sunday, the brothers wouldn't wake before 8 AM, encouraging Aditi to join her for a refreshing change.

Smiling at the idea, Aditi bundled Aayansh in warm clothes and carefully settled him into the pram. Together, Vaishali and Aditi enjoyed their walk, relishing the morning air. Upon their return home, they encountered Omkaar, Durga, Gayatri, Indrajith, Radha, and Manav, indulging in their morning tea in the garden. Greetings were exchanged warmly, and the family noticed Aditi and Vaishali's return from their walk, acknowledging it with appreciation.

Rudra's phone rang, jolting him awake from his slumber. He instinctively reached out, expecting to find Aditi in his arms after the intimate moment they shared with a passionate kiss the day before. However, she wasn't there. His longing for her was disrupted by the notification of an unknown message flashing on his phone screen. With a curious yet apprehensive feeling, he unlocked the device to find a photo of Aditi and Aayansh in the park accompanied by a cryptic message: "1+1 offer: Wife and son, just one shot,boom 💥. Never thought it's so easy to reach your son Rudra. Why dont we start the honour with your son."

His heart skipped a beat, a surge of panic coursing through him. Frantically searching the entire home, from the nursery to every corner, Rudra called upon his brothers Aarav, Laksh, and Dhruv to join in the search for Aditi and Aayansh. Their concern grew upon hearing the urgency in Rudra's voice.

Suddenly, Rudra spotted Aditi and Vaishali with Aayansh entering the house. His anxiety erupted into an outburst as he stormed towards the garden, finding Aditi smiling amidst his family's presence. His voice thundered, shattering the tranquil atmosphere he shouted at Aditi.

Who the hell are you to take my son out without my consent?" Rudra's anger echoed through the garden, startling everyone present. He swiftly approached Aditi and seized the baby's pram from her grip, signaling the nanny to take Aayansh away.

"Answer me, dammit! Where did you take my son without my permission and the required security? Who Do you think you're?" Rudra's voice reverberated with intensity, his frustration palpable. Aditi, overwhelmed by Rudra's sudden aggression, struggled to find her words.

"I... I... I took him for an early morning walk. The weather was good, so I..." her stammered response was cut short by Rudra's fury.

"How dare you make decisions on behalf of my son?" His eyes darted towards his worried family members, signaling the gravity of the situation. Rudra grabbed Aditi's hand and forcefully led her to their room, slamming the door shut behind them.

"I've begun to grow closer to you and welcomed in my arms,that doesn't grant you any rights over me or Aayansh. He is not just any child; he is Aayansh Rudransh Suryavanshi, my son," Rudra's voice seethed with a dangerous edge as he confronted Aditi. "You thought of being a mother to him right? Do you even have a clue how to be a mother, what are motherly duties? How do you know You've never experienced mother's love you are unfit and incapable to be a mother."

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now