Wedding Announcement

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During dinner, Rudra cleared his throat to get everyone's attention and said I have something to share. I wanted to let you know that Aditi has a deep passion for photography she wants persue her career in it.

The room fell silent as everyone processed the unexpected announcement. Aditi, nervous about their reactions, discreetly clutched Rudra's hand tightly under the table. Seeing her scared expression, Rudra intervened. Come on, guys, cut the drama. She's scared.

Everyone in the family smiled, the family members applauded, breaking the tension. Omkaar, smiling warmly, spoke up,Congratulations, beta! All the best for your new journey. Aim for the stars!

Aditi visibly relaxed upon seeing their encouraging reactions. Vaishali, eager to support Aditi, made a suggestion.

Aditi, why not assist my fashion photographer? He's renowned and could mentor you well. Show him your skills, and he'll guide you accordingly.

Aditi felt a sense of relief and gratitude as her family embraced her passion and extended support for her new venture.

The following day, Vaishali conversed with her fashion photographer, informing him about Aditi's interest. She mentioned that he was currently abroad but would return that night, planning to meet Aditi the next day. Overwhelmed by Vaishali's help, Aditi expressed her gratitude with a warm hug, Thank you so much for arranging this, Didi! No Aditi iam happy that finally you are fulfilling your dreams.

Later that evening, Gautam surprised Aditi with a professional camera as a gift. Aditi, touched by the gesture, hesitated to accept it.

Bhai, I can't accept this. It's too expensive, and I'm still learning. I can't...

Gautam stopped her and said You're calling me "bhai" but won't accept any gifts. That's not fair, Aditi. You may be in a learning stage, but you'll achieve great heights in no time.

Observing Aditi's hesitation, Rudra intervened, encouraging her to accept the gift. Take it, Aditi. Gautam is giving it with so much affection. You shouldn't say no.

Aditi with a smile said thank you, bhai.

Gautam smiled warmly and suggested Aditi take her first picture with the camera , Aditi said now ?

Laksh,urged Aditi to capture a picture that would forever commemorate the first snap with her new camera. He suggested posting it on social media, specifically on their family page. Aditi smiled at Laksh, touched by his sentiment, and gently caressed the camera

Her attention shifted to Aayansh. She picked him up and approached Rudra, holding the camera close. She said Rudra, can you strike a beautiful pose? I want to capture this beautiful moment of yours.

Aditi awaited Rudra's pose, wanting to preserve this precious moment and create a beautiful memory with her new camera.

Rudra took Aayansh into the garden, lifting him up and playfully tickling his stomach. Aditi, eager to capture the heartwarming moment, swiftly snapped the picture. Satisfied with the shot, she showed it to everyone.

As they all glanced at the picture, a sense of appreciation filled the room.

Dhruv: Wow, babhi! This is incredible! You've got an amazing natural photography skill. What a beautiful snap!

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now