Unmasking Betrayal

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Rudra, Gautam, and Parth found themselves, an ambiance of seriousness draped the room. Rudra, suggested to Parth, "Parth, can we have a conversation in my study? There's something important I need to discuss with you." Parth, nodded in agreement.

Upon settling down in the study, the trio exchanged silent glances, the tension palpable in the air. Sensing the weight of the moment, Parth broke the silence, asking, "Jijaji, is everything okay? You mentioned wanting to talk to me about something.

Rudra, visibly burdened by the weight of his thoughts, sighed heavily and exchanged a glance with Gautam before speaking up. "Parth, can I ask you one serious question?" He paused, allowing the weight of his inquiry to settle. "Is Aditi truly the biological daughter of Nikunj Varma and Sirisha Varma?"

Parth, understanding the sensitivity of the circumstances, took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding with a heavy heart, "No, she isn't. I remember clearly—I was 9 years old and Chanchal was 3. Chote Papa and Choti Ma brought Aditi home when she was around 2 years old."

The room seemed to grow heavier with the confirmation. The truth hung in the air, altering the dynamics of their understanding. But how did you come to know about this? Even Aditi was unaware of the truth.Parth questions, Rudra responds we will tell you but before that we need a complete past of Aditi why didn't anyone tell her till now.

Parth says " Aditi's parents treated like a princess when was growing but everything changed after that tragic accident."

Parth recounted the complexities further. "My family was on the brink of revealing the truth to Aditi after her parents demise, i intervened and stopped them revealing because at that time she was not ready to face the truth. My grandfather disapproved of adopting an orphan that too a girl, but he remained silent, fearing Chote Papa's wouldn't support them financially if they go against him. However, after their demise, they contemplated sending her away. They only held back upon discovering Chote Papa's will, which vested all his assets in Aditi's name. Waiting until she turned 18, they aimed to take all the assets chote papa kept for her, till date i am managing to save it for aditi." Rudra said immediately no parth you are mistaken here, your family members transferred all the assets on their name when she was 19.

A wave of shock coursed through Parth. "When did this happen? I had no inkling of such a thing that happened, Aditi didn't tell me anything," he expressed, his disbelief evident.

Gautam, solemn in his demeanor, contributed to the conversation, shedding light on Aditi's perspective. "She never mentioned it to you because she didn't want you to feel bad or create a difference between you and family because she knew how you would react once you got to know about it." he revealed.

Parth's heart sank, shattered by the distressing truth that his family had unjustly seized everything rightfully belonging to Aditi. The weight of the injustice and Aditi's silent suffering engulfed him, leaving him grappling with a mix of emotions—rage at the injustice and profound sorrow for Aditi's undeserved plight.

The room resonated with the heaviness of the situation—a stark contrast to its initial calm. The truth, a hidden web of deceit and greed, had finally been unveiled, exposing the ruthless actions that had deprived Aditi of what was rightfully hers.

Parth, his eyes shifting between Gautam and Rudra, questioned with a mix of disbelief, "But how do you know all of this? Rudra said Aditi is the biological child of Mr. Kishore Nanda and Sushma Nanda, parents of Gautam Nanda",The revelation struck him with incredulity. "Jijaji, what are you saying? My Chote Papa told everyone she was an orphan when he bought her home."

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now