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Rudra and Aditi returned to the haveli,and were welcomed by the warm embrace of family members.Aditi's face lit up with sheer joy as she took Ayyu in her arms, showering him with kisses. "I missed you so much!" she exclaimed, her affection for the little one palpable.

Rudra, after a quick affectionate kiss for Ayyansh headed off to attend to work commitments. He believed in the balance between his personal life and professional responsibilities. Meanwhile, Aditi found herself arranging clothes when Vaishali, entered the room. So, Aditi, did you enjoy your time?" Vaishali's voice carried a playful tone.

Aditi blushed at the mention of their day together, feeling a mix of happiness and bashfulness. She fidgeted with the clothes, trying to gather her thoughts before Vaishali's gentle teasing. Unable to hide her emotions, she merely smiled, finding it difficult to put into words the joy she experienced with Rudra.

Vaishali chuckled softly, her eyes twinkling with understanding
"Oh, my dear, there's no need to say anything. The blush on your face speaks volumes," she remarked, a warm and knowing smile gracing her lips.

Vaishali's sudden insistence on shopping for Aditi's grooming brought a mix of surprise and curiosity to Aditi's expression and she replied "Shopping? But I have everything I needed, a touch of confusion in her voice. Vaishali smiled warmly. "Yes, you have everything, but it's important to pamper yourself too, my dear. Let's get you some things that will make you feel fabulous," she encouraged, linking her arm with Aditi's and leading her towards the stores.

As they perused through the racks of lingerie and stylish Western dresses, Aditi felt a newfound excitement bubbling within her. With Vaishali's guidance and encouragement, she selected some elegant lingerie sets and trendy outfits that she hadn't explored before, feeling a sense of anticipation for the change they might bring to her style.

"Try these on, dear. Trust me, you'll love how they look on you," Vaishali encouraged with a reassuring smile.

Aditi hesitated for a moment before stepping into the fitting room, but the anticipation of exploring new styles and feeling empowered in her skin emboldened her.

Later, as they exited the clothing stores, Vaishali surprised Aditi by booking an appointment for her at a beauty parlour. "I've booked a session for you. A little pampering never hurt anyone," Vaishali said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Aditi was taken aback, but the excitement of a new experience eclipsed any reservations she might have had. The idea of permanent hair removal and a grooming session seemed like a bold step towards self-care and empowerment.

As she settled into the parlour chair, Aditi felt a sense of anticipation and nervousness. However, with each passing moment of the session, she felt a surge of confidence growing within her, embracing the idea of grooming and self-care as a means of personal empowerment.

By the end of the appointment, Aditi felt transformed. Her confidence soared as she left the parlour, feeling a newfound sense of self-assuredness and elegance.

Vaishali, brimming with excitement, insisted that Aditi accompany her to Rudra's office to surprise him with her new look. However, Aditi hesitated and wasn't entirely comfortable with the idea.

Aditi's heart raced as she stood outside Rudra's office, her nerves tingling with both excitement and trepidation. Vaishali's encouragement had led her here, and the thought of surprising Rudra thrilled her, albeit with a touch of apprehension.

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now