The Family's Decision

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In the quiet and cozy living room of the Verma household, Lakshman gathered his wife, Devaki, and his son, Nilesh, to share some important news. His expression was a mix of anticipation and hope as he spoke.

"Lakshman began, "Omkar has proposed a potential alliance for Aditi, and he's given his acceptance for it." Nilesh nodded his head in agreement, appreciating the thoughtfulness of his father's decision.

Meanwhile,Chandini and Chanchal,had been in the adjacent room, and their curiosity got the better of them. They entered the living room just in time to hear the conversation unfold.

Devaki, however, was quick to point out the complexity of the situation. She mentioned, "But the only problem is that the groom is already married and has a son. We don't know if Aditi will like it or not."

Chandini chimed in, echoing her views saying, "What's there to like, sasuma? It's your decision, and you never make choices that harm Aditi and we took her responsibility and expenses everything since she came to stay with us, she has to do what we say without questioning.

Just then, Parth and Aditi arrived home from the market, and they heard what chandini told about Aditi, she felt hurt by her aunt's words. Lakshman who saw her stopped them and began to explain, "Aditi, you have received a proposal from a good family, and I've given my approval. The groom has a child, and he recently got a divorce."

Aditi was taken aback, her mind racing as she tried to process this unexpected turn of events. Her dream of a life partner hadn't included such a scenario. Still, in keeping with her usual respect and obedience, she quietly responded, "It's your wish, Dadaji."

Parth, however, couldn't contain his concerns and blurted out, "How can you do this, Dadaji? Aditi is so young, and you're saying that he's a divorcee with a child. This can't be happening. Let's wait for a better proposal."

Chandini interjected with a stern tone, "Don't go against your Dadaji's decisions, Parth. Think about your sister. If Aditi's marriage gets delayed, how will we find a groom for your sister, think about your own sister and her happiness once in a while and where will we find the money for two weddings? Besides, the groom's family is willing to bear all the costs because of his divorcee status."

Parth sighed knowing his mother's dislike and Chanchal's jealousy towards Aditi but it is about Aditi's future. He responded, "I'm here for my sisters, Ma, and both my sisters are equal to me."

Lakshman, having silently observed the discussion, decided to make the final statement. He stood up and said, "Parth, children are not going to have a say in this. We've already asked for Aditi's opinion, and she said yes. This marriage is going to be final."

Nilesh said to his son never go against your dadaji and don't be a rebel, the Verma family had made a significant decision that would impact Aditi's future, and they were prepared to stand by it, despite the unexpected twists and turns it brought.

Aditi stood alone in the living room, her thoughts swirling with the weight of the family's decision. Her confidence was shaken, and she felt vulnerable in that moment.

It was then that she overheard Chandini's cruel words, spoken just loudly enough for her to hear. "Chanchal, I'll find you a handsome husband and a good family. You have your parents. What can we do for Aditi? She's not as good-looking or smart as my Chanchal, so she's getting a second-hand husband. Who knows what he'll do to her after marriage. I pity her."

Chandini's words were laced with malice, and she faked sympathy for Aditi before leaving the room with a sinister smirk. Aditi, left feeling hurt and humiliated, stood there in the living room, grappling with the harsh realities of her family's perceptions and the insensitivity of those around her.


Hello my readers welcome 🤗 I need your help, your enthusiasm😉, and your support to keep this story going. It's been an incredible experience to share my work with all of you, and I'm eager to continue crafting this tale. But I can't do it without your votes ⭐and encouragement!💯

Guys come on hurry up next chapter is on the way.......


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