Bonus Chapter

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Today, being a Sunday evening, our household's princess, Anshika, has arranged a play tea time for the whole family. Aarav and Vaishali have been blessed with a boy named Vishal. Dhruv and Laksh are happily married, and Gautam Bhai, married to Priya, has a boy named Gaurav, slightly younger than Aayansh and Vishal. Despite their age difference, Aayansh, Vishal, and Gaurav are best friends who adore Anshika immensely.

There's a hint of history repeating itself, as Rudra used to talk about me coming into his home as his wife to Gautam Bhai, and now, Gaurav says something similar. But Aayansh, being the protective brother, stands firm in safeguarding his sister. I feel immensely grateful to God for every moment of this beautiful life - a loving family, a wonderful husband, and these adorable kids.

Aditi felt the warmth of Rudra's embrace as he came behind her, enveloping her in his arms and resting his chin on her shoulder. His question about her thoughts nudged her to reflect on the blessings surrounding her. "I'm thanking God for this beautiful life, our adorable children, and the unwavering support of our family," she replied, meeting Rudra's gaze as she turned towards him.

Rudra's mischievous smirk hinted at his playful nature. "Wifey, I think you owe me gratitude for those adorable kids," he teased, knowing well his knack for light-hearted banter. Understanding his playful tone, Aditi responded with a playful nod, "Okay, thank you, hubby."

But Rudra, never one to miss an opportunity to add a touch of fun, scoffed at her response. "Such a dry thank you won't do. I need a special one," he insisted, leaning in to plant a kiss on her lips. Breaking the kiss, Aditi redirected his attention, reminding him that their daughter Anshika was eagerly waiting for him.

However, Rudra, in his usual charming way, nudged her again, this time suggesting an early bedtime for their kids so they could enjoy a night out together. Aditi, playfully feigning annoyance, admonished him, "You're a father of two, have some shame."

Rudra's smile widened as he gently pushed back, "What's there to be ashamed of? I simply want to express my love for my wife and spend some quality time with her," he grinned. Aditi lightly slapped his hand, redirecting his focus, "Come on, let's go. Your princess must be waiting for her tea party."

At Night

Aditi stepped into her room, noticing Rudra's absence. She knew he was still engrossed in bedtime stories with their daughter. With a soft smile, she walked into the dressing room and opened the drawer in the lingerie chest, her fingers gliding over the various fabrics and colors until they landed on a striking red negligee.

Pulling it out gently, Aditi marveled at the intricate lacework adorning the piece. The Chantilly lace had delicate holes, teasingly revealing yet concealing parts of her body. It was a singlet, gracefully draping down to her upper thighs, complemented by a matching panty. Aditi held it against herself, feeling a sense of allure and confidence washed over her.

After the birth of their child, Aditi noticed the changes in her body—a slight widening of her hips and fuller breasts. Yet, Rudra cherished every curve and relished their intimate moments together. Their mutual adoration and desire for each other only seemed to grow stronger.

Looking at her reflection in the mirror, Aditi ran her hands over the unlined lace cups and the luxurious satin material. She turned, observing her nearly bare back, a radiant smile gracing her lips. Her confidence soared as she adjusted the straps, feeling a rush of excitement and empowerment.

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now