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In the hushed darkness of the night, Aditi found herself trapped in her bed, her pleas echoing through the air. She beseeched her elder sister, "Please, badi ma, I'll obey your every word. I won't utter a single word to anyone. Please, don't be angry with me." Her voice trembled as she continued, "The room is so dark, badi ma, please open the door." Desperation clung to her words as she reached out to her family, "Bade papa, dadiji, dadaji, please, help me. I'm scared." Tears welled up in her eyes as she promised, "I'll listen to all of you and never question your decisions. I won't ask anything. It's hurting so much, please, badi ma, open the door."

Startled by her distressing cries, the entire family rushed to the guest room where Aditi lay, her fear and anguish palpable in the stillness of the night.

Amidst the chaos and Aditi's distress, Rudransh had a heartfelt desire to console her, but before he could act, Parth and Deepa swiftly reached her side. Deepa gently coaxed, "Adi, get up, it was just a nightmare. We're all here with you." Parth, concerned for her, tried to soothe her, "Bacha, get up. Open your eyes it's just a bad dream bacha, get up"

Deepa recognized Aditi's growing anxiety and told to Parth, "She's on the brink of a panic attack; we need to do something." Rudra, quick to react, sprinkled some water on Aditi's face, while Parth made room for him to approach. Taking Aditi in his arms, Rudra continued to sprinkle water, and slowly, Aditi stirred, her eyes fluttering open.

As she regained consciousness, Aditi first saw Parth and Deepa but then realized she was lying elsewhere. Slowly, her gaze fell upon the entire Suryavanshi family, who stood opposite to her with a mix of concern and emotion. Aditi recalled everything and quickly got to her feet. Overwhelmed with remorse, she rushed to Dadiji, falling at her feet, and choked out an apology, "I'm so sorry, Dadiji. I didn't do it on purpose, and I don't even know how I lost your family heirloom jewelry. I'll do whatever it takes to make amends. It's entirely my fault.

Durga, struggling to control her emotions, raised her voice slightly and commanded, "Stand up, Aditi." Aditi complied, but she was afraid to meet their eyes. Durga led her to a dressing area and gestured towards the mirror, asking, "What do you see in the mirror?"

Confused, Aditi hesitated before answering, "It's me."

Durga smiled gently and explained, "That's right. You are the real heirloom of this family, not materialistic jewelry. You are going to be Aditi Rudransh Suryavanshi, the queen of this palace. You have the power to command and should never cry over trivial things. Loose as much as the jewellery you wanted, your future husband will bring you an entire shop if you ask saying she winked at Aditi 😉. You were just crying over material possessions, and this should never happen again. Do you understand?" Durga's voice was firm yet caring, and Aditi flinched but nodded in agreement.

As the tense moment seemed to be dissipating, Gayatri intervened with a soothing tone, "Oh, ma, you're scaring her. Poor thing, she just woke up. Beta, come here. The doctor said you're very weak, and you need to eat your dinner and take your tablets. We have the marriage ceremony tomorrow morning."

Aditi, still somewhat disoriented, glanced around the room and then locked eyes with Rudransh. He blinked and gestured for her to eat. She began to walk out of the room with Gayatri, but Gayatri stopped her, saying, "Where do you think you're going, Aditi? Sit back in your bed. I'll send your dinner in." However, before Aditi could respond, Gayatri dramatically exclaimed, "Now, you won't even listen to me!" Aditi quickly clarified, "It's not like that, aunty. I'll stay in this room."

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now