Childhood Memories

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The next morning, Aditi stirred awake slowly, feeling a bit disoriented. To her surprise, Rudra wasn't by her side. Wrapping herself in the comfort of a cozy blanket, she got up and freshened up in the bathroom. Meanwhile, Rudra entered with Aayansh, their child. Aayansh's face lit up with joy upon seeing his mother, and Aditi moved closer to him as Rudra mentioned her still-healing hand, advising her to sit. As Rudra settled Aayansh on the bed, Aditi showered him with affectionate kisses and warm hugs, expressing relief that he was fine away from danger. Rudra reassured her, urging her to let go of the past's frightening incidents, treating them as mere bad dreams. Curious about Nitya and Chanchal, Aditi inquired about them, to which Rudra gently reminded her to focus on her complete recovery first.

Rudra suggested ordering breakfast for their room, but Aditi preferred joining everyone downstairs. They both descended, and their presence brought joy to everyone upon seeing Aditi's improved health. Aditi approached Vaishali, inquiring about her well-being, their conversation veiled in quiet tones. Durga, noticing their discreet chat, asked what they were discussing. Vaishali exchanged glances with Aarav, signaling Aditi to share the news.

Aditi revealed, "Well, dadi, we're going to welcome a new baby into this house. Vaishali didi and Aarav bhaiyya are going to be parents." The announcement sparked happiness, and congratulations poured in for the couple. As they enjoyed breakfast, Sushma, Kishore, and Gautam arrived at the haveli to visit Aditi. Seeing them, Aditi recalled the unsettling words Nitya and Chanchal had shared. Gayatri promptly offered them sweets, sharing the joyful news of Aarav and Vaishali.

Aditi found herself uneasy as thoughts of Chanchal's revelations and Gautam's mention of his lost sister flooded her mind—recollections of their family's emotions, their habits, and past incidents appeared before her. Lost in her thoughts, Gautam noticed her distress and inquired, "Where are you lost, Aditi?" Surprising everyone, Aditi looked at Gautam and directly asked, "Am I your real sister, bhaiyaa?" Shock rippled through the room.

Rudra exchanged a glance with Kishore and Sushma before approaching Aditi, placing his hand on hers. He confirmed, "Yes, Aditi. Gautam is your real brother. Kishore uncle and Sushma aunty are your parents." Aditi was stunned to hear the truth from Rudra. Tears welled up in her eyes as she asked why they had kept this from her if they knew.

Gautam knelt before Aditi, tears mirroring her own, and confessed, "You have every right to know, but we were afraid of your reaction. We wanted to find the right time to reveal the truth to you."

Aditi asked whether everyone in the family knows, she felt betrayed by the family's silence, expressed her sense of betrayal for not being told the truth. Rudra intervened, explaining that everyone had wanted to share the truth but were fearful of her reaction. Aditi then questioned if even Parth and Deepa knew the truth, recalling the day when Deepa had shouted at her.

Reflecting on that moment, Aditi looked towards Sushma and Kishore, and they moved closer, sitting beside her. With gentle affection, her parents lovingly caressed her head. Kishore spoke softly, "You were our princess, the center of our world," and both parents embraced Aditi tightly. Overwhelmed with gratitude for her parents' love, Aditi embraced them again, feeling fortunate to have their unwavering affection.

Gautam and Aditi shared a heartfelt hug, and he exclaimed, "Finally, I've found my angel." Emotions ran high as the truth unfolded, bonding the family closer in their shared revelation.

Everyone was engulfed in happiness, tears of joy streaming down their faces as Sushma, Kishore, and Gautam found their missing piece of heart. Aditi, wiping her teary eyes, asked a question "What was my name before I went missing?"

Rudra, now curious as he had never asked or remembered her previous name, joined in the inquiry. Kishore and Sushma exchanged glances, directing their attention towards Gautam. With a sheepish grin, Gautam warned, "Don't scold me when you hear the name aditi." Hesitatingly, he revealed, "Angel. Your name was Angel."

Aditi was taken aback,
Kishore and Sushma smiled, reminiscing about how Gautam never allowed them to name her; he insisted that she was his angel and never permitted any other name. Dhruv and Laksh chuckled and said imagine your name babhi where you would have been called "Angel bhabhi" or Aayansh addressing her as "Angel mummy." Aditi, slightly exasperated, glanced at Gautam, he said why are you looking at me i was young at that time.

Sushma intervened, revealing that besides her brother's insistence, there was someone else responsible for that name. Surprisingly, Gayatri burst into laughter, teasingly pointing at Rudra, stunning both Aditi and Rudra with the unexpected revelation.

Aditi's curiosity persisted, prompting further revelations about Rudra's involvement in the "Angel" name. Gayatri confirmed that Rudra, too, used to refer to Aditi as "Angel" and staunchly insisted that no other name be used for her. She disclosed a past where Gautam and Rudra would frequently compete for Aditi's attention during their childhood. The friends battled over one thing—claiming ownership of who Aditi truly belonged to.

Rudra, always desiring a sister, found himself surrounded by brothers. This led to a tinge of envy towards Gautam, as he was the one with a sister. He began claiming, "Gautam, I will bring your angel as my angel, my wife." This statement irked Gautam, who retorted, demanding Rudra prove himself worthy to be the husband of "his angel." Their playful banter often became a source of amusement for everyone around, often laughing at their antics.

Amidst the laughter, it was revealed that Aditi used to give attention to Rudra whenever he was around during their childhood, further fueling Gautam's frustration. The memories of these childish but endearing rivalries made everyone chuckle, including a blushing Rudra and Aditi, while Gautam listened with amusement, reminiscing about those innocent days of youthful antics.

Kishore and Sushma, in the midst of this joyful occasion, extended an invitation to everyone for lunch. As they departed, Parth and Deepa arrived at the haveli. Aditi warmly hugged both of them, and Parth inquired about her well-being. Aditi reassured him, saying, "I'm fine, bhaiyya." Parth expressed his apologies, admitting his lack of knowledge about Chanchal's deceitful intentions.

Rudra stepped in, absolving Parth of any burden, mentioning how Parth had unknowingly disclosed Samarth and Chanchal's plans through Nitya. Despite that, Rudra congratulated them both as he had heard about their selection for the New York project. Parth and Deepa beamed with happiness. Aditi, overjoyed by the news, hugged them tightly, extending her congratulations. However, she lamented, "So early? I'm going to miss you both." Learning they were leaving the day after tomorrow, Aditi expressed her sadness.

Parth declined the lunch invitation, citing pending work that needed their attention. Aditi understood and bid them farewell, while Rudra assured them that they could visit anytime they wanted. With smiles exchanged and a tinge of melancholy in the air, Parth and Deepa took their leave, leaving behind a sense of longing as they departed for their impending journey.

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now