Finding Love in Arrangement

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Aditi woke up to the gentle stream of sunlight peeking through the window, casting a warm glow across the room. As her eyes adjusted to the morning light, she realized she was alone in the bedroom. The absence of Rudransh in the room immediately caught her attention. Wondering where he could be at this early hour, she decided to check the bathroom, lightly knocking on the door twice. However, there was no response. Her curiosity piqued she cautiously opened the door, only to find the bathroom deserted.

The clock read 6:30, and Aditi couldn't help but wonder where Rudransh had disappeared to so early in the morning. Just as she contemplated his whereabouts, she suddenly heard the bedroom door creak open. In walked Rudransh, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts, his attire slightly damp with sweat. Admiring his muscular physique, Aditi couldn't help but notice how the sleeves of his T-shirt hugged his robust biceps.

"Good morning, Aditi! You're up. You could have slept a bit longer," Rudransh greeted her with a warm smile, breaking her day dream.

Smiling back, Aditi replied, "No, actually, I wake up early every day. I'm surprised I overslept today."

Rudra chuckled softly, remarking, "Well, you were quite exhausted yesterday; it's natural to catch up on sleep."

Curious about his early morning routine, Aditi inquired, "Do you usually wake up early every day?"

"Yes, it's my gym time from 5:30 to 6:30. I like to spend time with Aayansh when he wakes up, so I freshen up before he gets up," Rudransh explained, nodding at her.

Aditi nodded understandingly, impressed by his dedication to maintaining a routine and spending time with their child.Yes it's thier child for her the moment she saw aayansh she felt motherly affection towards him.

Aditi continued tidying up the room, straightening the sheets and arranging things neatly, despite Rudransh's suggestion to leave it for the house help. Her attention to detail led her to fuss over the flowers, wanting everything to look perfect before house help arrived.

Leaving the room to freshen up, Aditi decided to take a head bath. As she pondered what to wear, realizing her suitcase is broken and other belongings were in the guest room, she emerged from the bathroom in Rudransh's bathrobe. Her wet hair, with small droplets framing her face, caught Rudra's attention, making his throat feel dry. Aditi looked strikingly beautiful in his robe, an image that lingered in Rudra's mind.

Trying to divert his attention, Rudra mentioned, "Aditi, Ma gave you a saree and ornaments for the pooja."

Aditi nodded in acknowledgment, taking the saree and ornaments from Rudra. She made her way to their dressing room, giving Rudra a moment to collect his thoughts. Eventually, she emerged from the room, elegantly dressed for the occasion.

Aditi emerged from the dressing room adorned in a resplendent pink saree, its delicate fabric draping gracefully around her figure. The gold choker around her neck shimmered elegantly, perfectly complementing the nuptial chain adorning her neckline. Her ears twinkled with intricately designed earrings, enhancing her radiant beauty.

Her hair, styled loosely, cascaded down her back, secured in place with a delicate clip that accentuated the natural flow of her locks. The soft curls framed her face, adding a touch of allure to her appearance. As she stepped into the room, her presence exuded grace and sophistication, drawing admiration from Rudransh and captivating his attention.

Rudransh, dressed in a striking red kurta paired with crisp white pyjamas, stood nearby, his attire reflecting a classic yet stylish appeal. His traditional attire accentuated his dignified persona, a striking contrast to Aditi's feminine allure. Standing beside Rudransh was Aayansh, looking adorable in a miniature sherwani-style dress, donning a dhoti paired with a sherwani, mirroring his father's attire.

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now