Cherished Moments

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Aditi earnestly requested Rudra to accompany her to visit Nitya and Chanchal. Initially hesitant, Rudra reluctantly agreed upon Aditi's insistence. He drove her to the station where Nitya and Chanchal were detained in separate lock-ups. As Aditi entered the area, she was met with the Verma family's accusing gazes. Her badi ma confronted her, labeling her a backstabber who betrayed the family that had provided her with food, shelter, education, and clothing. Rudra discreetly signaled the police to clear a path for Aditi.

Despite the harsh reception, Aditi made her way to Chanchal's confinement. Taking a seat in front of Chanchal, she observed the shame and guilt etched on her face. With a compassionate tone, Aditi conveyed, "Everyone loves you, Chanchal, even me. You might not consider me as your sister, but you are my sister and will always be, regardless of whether I belong to this family or not."

Aditi, looking at Chanchal with a blend of empathy and understanding, began to speak softly. "I know whatever happened wasn't your intention. Someone influenced you against me, but remember, you were the one who saved me alongside Samarth one year back." Chanchal was taken aback, and even Rudra looked at Chanchal with surprise.

Aditi continued, "No one else knows this except me, maybe you are surprised how I know this, that night your dupatta was left behind, caught in the window, and you left it as it was. Please, Chanchal, this isn't like you. Parth Bhai loves you as much as he loves me; he's given us both the same love." Chanchal, visibly moved, tears welling up in her eyes, uttered, "I'm sorry, Aditi. I'm really sorry."

After her conversation with Chanchal, Aditi pleaded rudra, "Please, let Chanchal come out. What she did yesterday doesn't define who she truly is. She was misled, and I don't know who misled her. But I assure you, she won't be a danger. Give her a chance to prove herself."

Rudra hesitated, concerned about potential danger. However, Aditi reassured him, "I promise she won't pose a threat. She'll prove herself." She gazed at Chanchal, who kept her eyes lowered, filled with remorse.

Reluctantly, Rudra agreed, "As you wish. But I don't trust her. I trust your belief, Aditi. One wrong step from her, and I won't hesitate to act, no matter how much you plead." Aditi solemnly promised, "I promise."

Rudra called the inspector, instructing him to withdraw the case against Chanchal. The inspector complied, releasing Chanchal. Before leaving, Chanchal expressed her feelings, "I don't even deserve to ask for your forgiveness. But thank you for getting me out. Now, I'll change myself for the better with this new life you've given me." With a sense of determination and gratitude, Chanchal departed with the Verma family, promising to transform herself and start anew, hoping to make amends for her past actions.

Later, Aditi and Rudra proceeded to meet Nitya, who was held in the lockup. Upon seeing Rudra, Nitya expressed, "I knew you would come for me. You love me." As she attempted to touch his face, Rudra stopped her. Just then, Aditi entered, and upon seeing her, Nitya charged forward, starting to shout.

Aditi, composed yet assertive, addressed Nitya, "I don't understand why you left them, Nitya. I don't know why you returned and want them back. If your love for Aayansh and rudra was genuine, I would have willingly stepped aside to give you your place back, but all I saw in your eyes was greediness."Never come near my son or my husband.

Looking directly at Rudra and Aditi, Nitya scornfully remarked, "Don't call my son your son. He can never be yours, Ruddie mark my words, once she has her own children, she won't care for Aayansh or his needs." Rudra stepped forward, his voice resolute, "You need help, Nitya, before it's too late. Let me make it clear once and for all: Aayansh is ours, mine and Aditi's son. Stay away from our child and our family. If you persist, I won't hesitate to take action. You'll remain in this jail for the rest of your life."

A Match Made by Fate: Rudra and Aditi's Arranged Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now