Capsuled Birth shattered across Pearly Sands

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Chapter: 32 Arc: 3 

Black thorny roses dripping wet with the cool dew of the air dripped from their petals down onto hardened dark flesh. Thick vines pulsating with pressure broke forth from the tattered flesh and burrowed deep within its fibrous form, as if binding the body to oneself it has truly changed in some miraculous way. Worn down clawed hands slid forth and passed its dark nails though endless strands of soft hair, dead beady voids of one's eyes gazed on to the endless view of the world beyond. Your very body tingled with the ever rising feeling of growth, growth of some unnatural clause- driven forth by stressors given form, you release your grip from one's scalp and allow one's hair to slowly fall its way back down to one's brow. Tattered dark skin rippling with a quick flash of white energy you gaze down upon your open hands, wind softly blowing between the very crevices of your fingers you clench your fist tightly, white sparks of energy charging forth before dissipating into you once again. Raising your head off from the view of the charred ground beneath your feet you see her again; The small random strands of dirty blonde hair blowing in the wind, white beanie just barely being able to stay on her head, and the lighting up of their gaze set in your slowing down mind, such stressors take their's own mortality..shall always bring forth-

  Instance of one's exhausted body taking its pace within one's own mind was broken by an abrupt instance of a heavy pressure encircling your body. 'She..broke out of the tattered soil...and ran to me..why? Doesn't she..know what we are? Why is she..holding me..?' Thought Xèhtrï as they were shaken back by how fast Rimi had broken out of the chaos and hug tackled them. Rimi absolutely washed and dripping with sweat, firmly wrapped their arms around the man and tried so badly to catch their breath, not even seeming to care for their appearance. Xèhtrï fully out stood there at a solid nine foot three, digited legs ending in rash thorns and spikes, cracked dark skin with giant spikes on their shoulders rippling in a white coursing energy, vines and thorns growing out from random and digging into their own flesh, and lastly their flowing semi curly hair flowing past their many cheek holed face and black reflective eyes. Xèhtrï stood there being tightly embraced by Rimi and for a moment couldn't a thought, for in the time they were "in control" they were in truth living a background life expecting something to change. Decisions weren't theres to make and the flow of time was destined to get them for sure, 'but..Hijìn actually...let us get this far..without..fighting? Is it because he's..a coward and gave up? I-I don't get it..sure things are different but like shit he'd allow me to become..this..again. N-nno! We talked in space for a bit! We spoke in our subconscious! But he must be testing me!? Making me fall into a false sense of security to then stab me in the back! Yeah! That must be it! There is no other explanation! He loathes us! And we Loathe HIM! We..loathe him! For all..that he's done!..? For..uhm..all that he's...done. For..w-What...we've done'. Xèhtrï looking back down in truth to see Rimi still holding tightly onto them...they..broke.

Flower petals from black roses breaking off each other and falling down to the ground slowly, would gently get caught up in the soft breeze and dance around in the sky would reflect off of Xèhtrï's own eyes. Their voids taking view or this sight made them crumble. Large fangs beared would retract into their maw and gain balance, for their very feeling within themself caused the emptiness within their existence to shatter. Small dancing black petals in the wind once spun alone would get joined by a pair, their intertwining dance led them further than all the rest behind them. Remaining turning to ash and settling on the soil, the last two spun around one another as if in synch, mixing with one another...just like the tea swirling within the dark mug..the two made something better. For the last two petals upon finally conjoining in their dance settled upon the ground once more, no longer apart, now stuck together in the shape of a beaten heart.

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