Castrated Aside..Whom were you?

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  Chapter: 20 Arc: 3 

It felt like nothing as with a grip of the side panel of the car door you stare out to the havoc spewed by their misdemeanors with the intent of doing nothing except bring harm to those unworthy, out in the distance you can just make sight of the poor families abandoned by the wreckage, all of this for nothing at all. "Hurry up Already we don't have all day!", echoing from behind you, makes you snort out in frustration as just from said glance you can see the rubble parting from the hardy enough survivors making their way back into the limelight; with nothing else much to say Drauker slides in to the passenger seat of the car and crosses his arms tightly while keeping his head low once the car door slammed shut automatically to his side. Pointy ears slowly folding all the way back Drauker simply sighed heavily as he closed his eyes in tolerance, 'What a's the fact I had plans today and I'm just so lucky I got hit with this..', he thought while he shimmied in his seat before taking a deep breath and exhaling quietly as the cold air softly exited his lips. Xèhtrï on the other hand being fully clothed now with the auto-regenerating clothes leaned back in their seat with their arms folded behind their head rocking a cocky toothy smirk across their face saying aloud as the supercars powerful engine revved up, "Hah! Ya see Ani! It wasn't so bad- told you not to doubt my skills in catching any lil rat for ya", Drauker scoffing in a small smirk spreading across their maw kept to themself from the remark after the screen on the dashboard sprung alight and began glitching.

The supercars wheels began grinding against the muddled terrain with the smoke from the surrounding buildings piling on till they caught traction and drove off in the opposite direction away from the path of destruction, Xèhtrï moving their eyes off of Draukers reactionary behavior leaned forward and tapped the screen a few times till it finally unfroze and displayed the small usual chibi-version of A. N. I for them all to see which immediately made Drauker open one eye to watch silently. "My bad is all...this car isn't exactly up to date with cross link technology seeing it as another one of my own bodily clones from long ago", A. N. I said as it began running system updates on the mini screen while the supercar sped onwards through the ruined halls of the city till reaching a clearing of only bridges crossing a large border and simply running right through onto the other side without any issue at all. "Wait this is just another clone of you never actually left the apartment?", Xèhtrï asked in some levels of apparent interest when the hunk of junk responded with, "Of course I didn't- I have no reason to, Hell my base body could do anything I damn well please of it I just don't need to since I have clones of me everywhere waiting for my signal for activation- speaking of activation I should call Rimi back about their whole situation", as the small figure of A. N. I on the screen picked up a phone and actually rang up a call through the supercars signal.

Drauker would open their gaping mouth revealing all their serrated teeth as well as their four giant canines that poked out of their lips when they yawned before closing their mouth and licking their snout a bit with their lanky sharp forked tongue that had a black stud piercing in the very base end of it vanished into their maw. Xèhtrï watched this all unfold as they sat back down against the seat taking their own space and time for their own thoughts till they thought heard the Bleppster whisper to them, "Threatened~?", Xèhtrï turning to face them immediately with a furrowed brow beckoning back saying, "No who the fuck said I'm threatened by your measly display?" Drauker didn't even react almost to the point they seemed to be sleeping on the spot with their arms crossed and head hanging low till Xèhtrï stared at them closely with their black beady eyes and said, "Yeah..bullshit..for a second it seemed like you wanted to talk shit while the robot was busy n all huh?", clearly testing the waters till the moment they sat down and glanced at the window they saw a reflection of Drauker right behind them. Fully ear to ear smirking with their eyes rolled back glowing making them turn back around and see the Bleppster still seated perfectly still as if nothing happened. They were about to say something until the screen of the supercar flashed on displaying a live camera call of inside a brightly lit room resembling the laboratory where quickly springing in front of the camera with messy hair was no one else but Rimi; Xèhtrï clenching their fist in some annoyance would stare at Drauker frustrated till they slid back into their seat slowly before facing the screen in some shared interest when A. N. I's chibi form on the screen responded out to the messy cyborg in the call, "Yes yesss we are on the way no need to worry! I'm sure by now you've found that little..annoying..shit- I mean little Siren correct?!"

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