Flash of Lightning the Storm never Ceases and Yellow Eyes Show the Truth

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Chapter: 24 Arc: 3 

Part 1.

Pick up your weapon..

Grab the handle and grip it with your very being..
Every piece is forged together to your arms like appendages..
Feel it's coursing energy..it's apart of you..just as you are it..


Now again.
And again.
And again.
Do it till your arms fall off..even when you feel it grow sore..keep swinging..
Those that live in this world offer no mercy...I know that wholeheartedly.
They strike with no fear in their actions and whoever doesn't commit to the act falls to their knees headless.
Only a coward and a fool sheathes their arm and let's the world take over.
And only those with power..let the influences of sin creep into their acts of love.
So Swing Again!

Better..but you're doing it without heart.
What will you do if and when the time comes to defend yourself..or someone you love perhaps? Would you falter?
You simply cannot.
There are forces out there beyond our wildest dreams that are waiting for us to fail.
I won't let that happen..not to you nor I.
We are better than them.
He have to be.
And if we don't..we die.
That's why we cannot sit back and let the world spin on ahead.
It's ever spinning and ever charging forward without our control..only those forces can change it.
Or so they thought-
Impressive...you swung without my command and managed to outperform your last attempt.
That brings one final issue.
There may be fear creeping in your conscious..seeping into your arms and legs...corrupting your desires and warping your mind.
But what matters most is what's in front of you.
The goal.
The challenge at hand.
That's what no one wants to speak of.
What their true purpose is and how they will fulfill it.
Sloppy..yet still effective except now you've missed the target completely, but for that I will finish.
Your purpose in this world equates to nothing..such as mine and everyone else's.
One may think of the chances of fulfilling others with happiness or doing what you please to be content.
Those are void of all reason.
We are fuel sources for this world ever changing ecosystem of spirits..except we were given a second chance..
You may not grasp the limits of wielding such a technique, but for those who've dedicated their lives to the act..they dub it..
Soul-Searing is quite simply the act of harnessing the sin the world wants us to die from and cast it back to those who wish to falter in line with the worlds whims..an act of defiance..
And as someone who's a piece of me I would expect no less this same trait would be adorned upon your shoulders.
Better..but I don't believe those fit you..
None of them..
Maybe we are too similar as I don't adorn any of these except for a mere difference in purpose.
Confused? I don't mean it in any sense..I just don't like weapons that simply can be ripped from my hands by a mere handle pull..
Even if it may come with counters I have a specific preference.
Fitted Blades adorned by any lead of choice.
Personally I go for thick line connecting me to my blades...makes it feel less rough to pull yet rope burn is an issue.
That look on your face makes me think you'd want to try it.
I'd see no reason not to.
Get a feel for it..they aren't the best thing we have as there's still much to do to improve them..but they seem fitting..

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