Forthcoming...May She Be God..?!

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Chapter: 3 Arc: 2
A strange scratch in the bark of an old tree, a hole in the leaves, and claw marks in the dirt. It was as if the ringing of bells echoed through the trees... slowly growing nearer and nearer the deeper you went into the shadeless embrace of the forest. Like walking through a snow-torn range, all you can see beyond you is the expansive dull light grey forest floor and the occasional red leaf which falls gently with grace to the ground beneath your very feet. Remains nothing but their silent and emotionless stare watching you get swallowed by the void of grey..

Strange ash-like leaves kept falling all around them- the feeling of being watched subsided for now, but in the back of their minds, they knew it would return. Each step felt like a stabbing of your senses with heat as a leaf crunched to dust in the wind. Looking back, Hijìn would exhale slowly as he tried to find his comrade amongst all the dead grey leaves, which by this point almost felt impossible. His senses keener than usual he could tell that this place was truly dead- not even a mouse to worm lived in these parts.. 'what happened here.. why is it all grey? Why does it feel so strange..'. He thought as he continued his walk amidst his search for his friend.

Kÿr Pov:

Crawling between tree branches, whizzing last leaves, and disappearing in piles of leaves Kÿr would appear. This biome was meant for him- seeing as his fur was exactly the same color he had no issue in hiding around the human who walked around so aimlessly. Chuckling he would toss leaf bits in the air above his friend in an attempt to spook them only to see the bits fly in the wind into the distance with nothing else but a face of disappointment. Jumping off a tall tree branch, Kÿr landed on his feet with ease, but the overall sensation of this place is what made him sympathetic with his partner in crime. The woods felt soul-consuming, the leaves felt like charred bodies, and the space between every tree was like a trap to the mind's systems.. 'No way this isn't created by some smart individual.. a maze of everything looks like everything.. a deadly bastard if this is actually a trap or just some dead forest..I do hope it is dead..'.

Having settled on it, Kÿr chose to stick with this friend on this one.. if one were to truly separate then it would be life-ending. They needed one another as two could somehow find a way to complement one another's strengths in combat if someone or something were to come on the offensive. Swinging with his long sharp tail Kÿr would glide through the air before landing on the humans' shoulders. "Sup Kid- nice to see ya from up here".

Hijìn Pov:

Having nothing else on his mind he was prone to stretch, the faintest feeling of something amassing behind him itched at his head, only for the small feline to tackle his head out of the blue nearly making him jump. "Ah.. ngh" he scoffed at the witty remark of his comrade, although he was getting comfortable around here he still felt like every time he passed by a tree something grew nearer. The cat scrambled till it sat down on his shoulders, Hijìn would punch one of the charred grey trees randomly causing many of the leaves to fall off and fall all on them. He stared ahead with his fist still against the tree as leaves fell right past his face.. yet, as he stared ahead it was as if a microsecond passed by where some shadow etched its way closer to him with each passing second.

Stepping back until his back hit a tree the human looked around confused only to be overwhelmed by the same miserable grey around them like if everything was charred to a crisp by something unnatural. Hijìn raised his shoulders and the weight of Kÿr wasn't present- he was gone without even a sound to alert him of his disappearance. It felt like the world was speeding up for him, the aching feeling that someone again has got their hands on his friend, someone dare try him.. his anger growing and his emotions taking hold of him his eyes would slowly begin to darken, gritting his teeth as he clenched his fist from the internal pain.

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