"I-if only I could Forgive More Sins my Love.."

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Chapter 9 Arc: 2
Ones own brutality can only be measured by how evil the act truly is, seared flesh, torn muscles, and broken bones. Whispers of sorrow and rage murmur in your eardrums, slithering feeling in your gums ripping your dying eyes back awake as you wake..just for a flash of light- to set on you again..

Dust settling in the wind, crumbs of rock faces resting on your body, and the warmth of the remaining flames are what rests on your worn down body. Echoing voices in your head shout over and over again in their own sick from of pity until you finally have the strength to get up. You groan in pain, holding onto your recovered jaw as the rubble slowly falls off your corpse- voices getting louder and more violent you open your eyes to face those demons, only to be reminded of your mistakes..

Hijìn coming out of the rubble of the destroyed plateau limped his way out after sustaining a well off amount of damage, sound of familiar voices growing closer and closer until a sharp feeling hit his face. V with her healed body forced her way through Hèr'La and Kÿr trying to hold her back, breaking through the two and trying to use as much strength as she could to punch Hijìn. She had tears building in her crystal pearl-like eyes, screaming out in anger but also in fear, sucker punching the beaten down Hijìn multiple times to spite him for what he had done to her. Hijìn solely standing there, taking every punch one after the other after the other, blood dripping from his whole body till he coughed out a puddle of blood on the ground by his feet. V shambling forward still feeling some of the numbness in her body from the blow smacked the side of the man's head before uppercutting him screaming: "DO YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE DONE?!"

Scurrying of one's feet with Hèr'La lunging forward and grabbing her sister from behind trying to hold her back from going any further, "Y-you fucking bastard!", sound of a hard punch in the gut as Hijìn staggered from the hit in his gut slightly falling back hitting a tree. "You sick bastard..Do you Realize what you've stolen from Me?! DO YOU?!- ignorant dog! I'll kill you! I'll KILL YOU!", screamed V as she forced her way through Hèr'La's arms once again who at this point was holding herself back from getting emotional again. His head slamming back against the bark of the tree as V started berating his body with violent punches and scratches in her pathetic attempt to get back at Hijìn for brutally mauling her, tears streaming down her bruised cheeks as she screamed going faster and faster with each hit, Hijìn so exhausted all he could do is stand there and take every hit she dealt until he couldn't stand any longer and collapsed on the ground against a dying tree. Kÿr running over and helping Hèr'La who at this point was just getting annoyed from the overwhelming issues being laid on the table infront of her, "Girl if you don't stop your crazy sister I promise you I can't be held accountable for what I'm about to do!", exclaimed Kÿr as he looked on, witnessing the beating in front of him.

  Heavy breathing and screams muffled by groans, V started full force kicking Hijìn as best she could, each kick ending in a crack from his end who could only lay there taking the beatings. Hijìn's blind eye would weakly open and he'd stop her foot pushing it back slightly, he spat out a small portion of blood on the ground and caught his breath only to mutter, "Y-you..Done?". Her face growing even more enraged as she clenched her fists causing the jade bow to form, raising her arms in the air wanting to plunge the blade at the end of the weapon straight into Hijìn's head. Screaming out as V was about to strike down her white silver hair would be pulled back harshly making her to fall back and her bow to hit the ground and dissipate. Turning around while breathing heavily and absolutely infuriated V was slapped across the face and dragged by the arm by Hèr'La like a child who could only yell out, "Hèr'La let me Go! Let me finish this! I WAS SO CLOSE! Don't Rob this from Me!", she was cut off my Hèr'La slapping her across the face again and forcing her to stand. "I don't run for my life trying to keep things peaceful, fight off those hordes..hordes of those things! I don't even know what they are, and lastly nearly die from your over estimations of power which a child of the All Father Ma'ire sacrificed himself to save me and Kÿr", V infuriated as her eyes were filled with the sense of demented unadulterated hatred, scoffed standing up and pulling her arm away glaring down at the human who could barely even sit up. Kÿr running to Hijìn's aid trying to form bandages from his ability to try and mend his wounds. "I-if I killed them when Mother left them here..maybe..just maybe..I could've gotten what I always..wanted", remarked V as she pulled up her shirts strap over her shoulder looking away from Hèr'La in a silent gash towards her, "You know that isn't necessary..you don't need to kill everything especially not them!- for your sake and our only remaining family please just..just stop V.. we may be differently born but we're still sisters..", Hèr'La said as she approached V trying to hold her extending her hand out to her only sister only for her taller/older sister V to turn her back and pick up her arrows off the ground.

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