Black Rigid Skin Layers ontop of my worn down Hide..How Much else can I take...

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Chapter: 18 Arc: 3 






Quiet dripping in the distant floor, switch broken off against the wall, and the glitchy screen going back to the usual display once every few moments, you rest your head unattended in the desolate space as your unconscious mind stirs. Nails gripping the controls ever so tightly till it bends at your will, teeth bared yet unarmed, and the console playing its melody overshadowing the chaos outside- In amidst all the white noise that same voice speaks to the body, so disconnected you were taken far away from where you once were, you abandoned search of remembrance, but even in its attempts to make it back and claim what's truly theirs it could only push you to a distant spot...a calming spot..where nobody else cares to renter. Finally resting...finally stirring...finally getting a grasp..on..who's...Me






  Scent of passerby's who've long since come through this way, worn down hands passing over the cold metallic floor pick up the remaining information as to many people now long gone who've come now shall never return, pushing your hand off your knee as you stand back up your eyes open wide as your senses begin firing off at maximum efficiency..this is new~ and very well welcomed. Hijìn taking his careful steps one by one as the iron soles in his boots click with each passing step echo throughout the halls, you're alone..for now, and as you take your careful paces in this limited space you just take notice of all the papers pinned to the walls. Eyes bloodshot completely white void of pupils scan the papers as you walk on by, they're drawings from what seems to be children plastered all over the place, was this a children's holding facility? Or did people used to live here and what's left are the ashes? Questions all lingered as whispers in your ears as what the only thing that caught your attention as you made your way into a intersecting hallway was the sounds of slow incoming footsteps coming right your way, without much reaction you let the tendrils creep from the seams of your hair follicles into the area around you- the tendrils were so thin they were practically invisible, but even in that state they were just as strong as the fibers interconnecting your very muscle fibers and with their sleekness they were a deadly invisible weapon.

Ruffling your curly long hair and opening your palm allowing a piece of glass you found on the floor when you got here fuse with your right palm almost like a scanner and begin waving it around as if you couldn't see, paired with your completely void of irises or pupil having eyes you appeared entirely blind. Two foot soldiers walking side by side adorning the same bulky armor as those hijackers from before make their appearance just a few meters away from you, taking notice to your presence they get defensive raising their pulsating light rifles right at you as they take slow steps forward. You awkwardly turn to face them looking all around aimlessly while your left hand passes around the walls around you while your left hand raises making some distant light reflect off the glass and on the ground making it seem like you were scanning to where to go; The solider to the right hand signaled forward to take careful steps until they finally approached you passing their hands all over you in a hard search for any weaponry only to find nothing, flashing light in your eyes only to get no response, and checking your palm to see the piece of glass infused into your palm and deem it safe. The foot solider to the left wore a dark silver suit of armor rocking shoulder cannons, military grade satchel filled with grenades and spare energy capsules, as well as high shock resistant full body armor with a skin tight full body suit resistant to impact or cuts, seeing this made you wonder while you were being searched wether or not it would be so simple to just execute these two or to let things come to pass. Left Solider clicking a small ear piece plugged into the side of its helmet spoke in that same strange language, it had none of the normal vocals of the languages you know, only strange hmns that made it sound like guttural vocalizations but on a different level entirely.

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