"She knew..she Always Knew..."

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Chapter: 8 Arc: 2
Grey scale and the absence of logic in all that is true to me now. Cant feel anything. Adrenaline is all that is keeping me awake..every moment I have piercing blades stabbing into my flesh..each passing second getting deeper...it actually..hurts. They know what they are doing and I'm at a strict disadvantage, No Chains, No Swords, No Help..except for my own rage, my undying desire to rip that stupid son of a bitches face and replace it with the shit they deserve..

A strained cough, blood dripping down his teeth, and his body weakened, Ma'ire collapsed onto the ground. His whole back and arms were blown to pieces so far that you could see his organs from behind his spinal chord, he would slightly chuckle as he rolled to his side letting Hèr'La and Kÿr free promptly going unconscious. Hèr'La paused as she passed her hands across Ma'ire's chest only to see how deep the arrow wounds stabbed right through him- one had gone so far it stabbed through his chest cleanly and when she felt her cheek it cut her slightly. "M..mM-Ma'Ire..your go-gonna..be okay? Don't worry.. I-I have you..", her finger tips would start to glow a soft green as she pulsed her healing energy into the Animal who laid there lifeless post the hellfire. Kÿr would sniffle seeing the cuts in his shirt and jacket and clenched his fist looking at Hèr'La, grabbing a arrow he would examine it- passing his hands over it before snapping it in half. "They're poisoned.. when they enter your corpse they dissolve.. can tell by how easily this thing melts under warmer conditions in my hands..", he said tossing them aside and running off to see where Hijìn was.

Energy rippled over Ma'ire's body until all his wounds were gone and he looked like they had just met, she greatly sympathized with the animal life around her and seeing him lifeless on the ground after what he sacrificed for them just caused her to break down and cry, resting her head on his chest still pulsing the energy into him even though it was pointless, with all that remained was the slithering red and spotted black growth slinking through meat. Kÿr scuttled by all the arrows still on everything around them avoiding the poison dripping outside of each shot till he made it to the river bank where he last saw Hijìn, just when he saw the result the cat would grow defensive instantly; At the site Hijìn was being strangled while being stuck to the tree he was shot into by the Hunter who did all of this, they were a around a foot shorter than Hijìn, whiteish gray like long hair, darkened hide coat wearing, black torn looking jeans, and most noticeably a jet black gas mask.

Blurting out a heavy cough, Hijìn splattered his blood all over the others gas mask who did nothing but stare at him coldly with no visible eyes behind its glass screens. The Hunter took some of the blood and passed it along their breathing hole of their gas mask in some sick flirtatious mannerism. Hijìn wheezed from lack of breath trying to get his way out as the arrows would start glowing a bright white and disappear, only that the Hunter was still holding him in the air with one hand- "FUCK YOU BITCH LET HIM GO!", exclaimed Kÿr who extended his arms out and shot a full magazine of pistol shots into the Hunters body not missing a single shot. The Hunter would stagger back from the force of each shot just never waver, keeping the human in their grasp and in the air- the bullets slowly coming out of their body and dropping into the ground beneath their feet. Kÿr saw this and snarled as he made the pistol disappear only to extend his hand and form a larger weapon aiming it at the figure who seemingly stared at the Feline with no interest. "You let him go! He's done nothing wrong- he's just a kid! He's younger than me! Like damn dude-.." the cat exclaimed aiming at the figures head.

  Out of the brush near them a small glint of white would fly by and shoot a small blast of electricity at Kÿr's hand causing him to jolt and drop the weapon, before he could even react to the small charge of energy the Hunter appeared in front of him almost as if it teleported roundhouse kicking Kÿr into a tree stump. The cat yelled out as he hit the wall trying to catch his breath, appearing above him they would stomp down on his chest with it's dark leather boots, Kÿr would yell out in pain as he slowly tried to push the boot off his chest with his strength only to look at the Hunter while wincing and smiled. The Hunter leaned its head to the side in confusion only for out from behind with a small black tentacle extending out from his left eye, Hijìn would break through the brush and full force punch the Hunter down into the now dry river bank causing them to fly onto the ground. The Hunter grunted under its mask from the force of the blow, but before it went off it stabbed Hijìn's arm with a rope tied arrow and yanked him off with them. Hijìn snarling out tried to yank his arm away was too late as he braced to his own dismay as he was dragged with tremendous force. The Hunter bounced off the ground and skid on its heels tearing the ground beneath its feet while swinging Hijìn around on the rope slamming him against all the surrounding trees.

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