Mechanical Hands, Webbed Fingers, and False Eyes of Blue..

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Chapter: 14 Arc: 3 

- I

Splayed about on a medical table your eyes flicker in the lights hanging above your head, slow swaying of the fluorescent lights on the ceiling remind you of a dream long since passed, or..did we have that dream? Muscle fibers tingling at the echo of your waking mind tighten then loosen as they spasm out to nerve activation, have we been dead? Tch..of course not. Beeping of medical equipment foreign to your knowledge of how they function slink their cables against your flesh, gathering information by the second till you finally gain the strength to get back up into a seated position. A quiet melody plays in the vacant room, it's a makeshift medical bay fitted inside of a workshop, tools and hardware plastered around the floor around you as well as a glowing bright blue holographic screen shimmering with data about your status. Lungs: Clear. Heart: Beating. Blood Type: Z. Any known diseases: N/A. Condition: Stable. 'What is this place?' Is what rang in your mind as you passed your sensitive fingertips against the steel bed beneath your very corpse till you eventually manage to turn around to the filthy desk riddled with empty cans of quick and easy cooking food and snack wrappers...who..Tch nevermind.

Scanning around the room some more you brush your left hand through your silky wavy long hair, fingers coursing through not getting stuck on any nots you glance over to see more pipes in the ceiling and more cables of machines wrought until with the corner of your eye you see a pair of glowing eyes staring at you from just at the feet of your bed. Quickly turning over to face it it was too late, tackled and slammed down hard against the medical table to the point it crushed the wheels down to the supports itself you wince in discomfort at the sudden attack only to feel a small bit of what it seems to be water carefully hitting your face. Eyes fluttering in the small moments in between you stare up to a peculiar shadow looming over you, arms gripped and pressed against the bed so hard the steel warped around you from the force you finally make eye contact with this thing above you. It's gleaming yellow eyes shimmer in its looming shadow so much to the point where you felt as if your soul was slowly leaving its body, it's face moved ever so closer bearing large sharp teeth spread from cheek to cheek, your face moving away in discomfort trying to move back from the closing in maw until you felt a small sniffling at your neck break through the silence till in the same moment the weight placed upon your chest faded away and you were free.

Looking ahead placing your now free arms from there imprisonment in the crushed bed behind you to gain leverage you jerk back slightly in shock to see someone sitting right on top of you without any recourse. Curly faded hot pink hair resting on its head, light dulled pink skin tone, dark purple lips, yellow glowing eyes, razor sharp teeth, and a flaring jacket covering a sports bra wearing individual was casually picking their teeth while sitting on top of your pelvis. Transparent cloud like thighs pressed up against your waist shimmer a dim white glow, but as you try to move back the individual in question perks up and scans all around them just as if they hadn't just tackled and sniffed you. Serrated maw opening they asked about in a raspy little girl voice: "Who goes there?! Who moves me? I'll gut you ye..huh..?", they seemed completely oblivious as to what they were doing until now and it made you confused, in doing so you clear your throat and smack their ethereal knee with your free left hand to try and get their attention and the moment you did it they screamed out in fear and immediately ran off so fast it smashed the table in their wake once again. Loud banging of steel beams and screeching beeps of medical equipment breaking as they got disconnected rang in your ears as you crawled your way out of the havoc, looking around you see no one in the room any longer but the sound of incoming metal banging headed towards the room- scampering up and out of the bottom of the crushed bed you look around trying to find any weapons to protect you, but in your search you grow anxious from the sound growing nearer and nearer till you eventually grab a pipe broken off from the bed and hold it in patience for the worst.

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