Seasons Keep Falling Down to Earth

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Chapter: 30 Arc: 3 

Final flurry of explosions going off in the distance settle in your own corpse to its dismay, the skies raced on wildly ahead, stars dotting the skies soon faded behind rays of the white suns darting past the skies. Such events like these would usually call for concern, but even as fast as they come they fade and soon again come full force around. Yet, even in this environment you can only stare out into the unknown and take a deep breath in, scent of freshly cut grass, sap from the richest of trees, and the unknown trickling feeling of corrosion would soon flow into your system leaving you...empty...but not..hungry. Opening your eyes once again settled the jewels of your deserted eyes upon the abandoned husk of someone who used to be alive, their body moving and their presence seeming to talk to you there could nothing except again..that strange scent of corrosion intoxicating the fresh scents of the wilderness. It as if they can't see the changes in the world around them, the altering speeds of the horizon, slight hints of red in the suns rays, and the darkening of the clouds once again..could they be blind to it..or is it simply not within them to see..the truth. Gazing down at your bandaged fingers you can only scoff at the mere image of pain not being present in your system, tugging at its tight folds would grit itself upon you clenching your fist with great strength, but the last thing in your mind you wish to hear is the endless banter of one speaking to a brick wall..or wait..what about a brick wall? "This is what happens when you don't pay attention to a conversation Hijìn! Stop mentally processing nature and get your head in the GAME!"

Hijìn slightly twitching from him getting smacked in his subconscious would glare back to see Rimi going off on their own about some random topic that simply didn't matter to him, just barely moving some strings out of his ears he winced a bit only to hear: "So say you were on a deserted island with just a friend, but that friend brought nothing but company what will you do? Wait what would I do?! Would I starve?! NO? No? nooo? wait shit reverse reverse that- (replays a small reverse audio cue from their forearm with just a click of a button) if I WAS on a deserted island I'd spare my friend a robo leg of mine, share their leg, then together bunny hop around till we made our way out of there. Or you know you could just..I don't know- Fly out of there dumbo? Now anyways-" quickly going back to ignoring them by covering your ears with some strings to muffle the noise was met with a sliding touch on your knee making you focus again on who's in front of you. Rimi planted a cold metallic hand on your knee having a somewhat calm yet concerned look on their face, small strands of dirty blonde hair flying around their pale exhausted face asking in a quiet tone "I know you're purposefully ignoring me, I did that on purpose just to test you- Relax a little, can tell from ur neurons goin all crazy. Synthetic eyes..eheh..heh..b-But! staying in your own headspace makes you...not to me, were in this adventure together."

Hijìn sat there with arms crossed and leaned back as some strings simply faded, their misty hue of blue flying by Rimi's head before flying back inside of the mans body at random. It was if these abilities to these strange events are only those who have this sight..this..soul sight. Blinking a few times you see Rimi trying to hold a awkward smile to not make it any worse and you simply can't put yourself to go through a long winded personal conversation with someone you just met, it isn't innately right for both parties regardless who it is. Looking around at the still endless expanses of faded purples and greys of these woods you try muttering something simply: "I-I'm..F..-" before in that same instance Rimi moved their hand preemptively and you jolted up to a standing almost hanging off the side of the air craft staring out to the world like a feral dog.  "I...Smell Noo~ This can't be the case I'd assume it was restricted..We must investigate!" Xèhtrï breaking through making Hijìn smile as his hair flew around wildly in the wind before jumping off the aircraft into the canopy. "HEY! WAIT! Eugh..Boys..or..what do I even call something like..Nevermind! Focus damn it!" Rimi said as they unbuckled their seatbelt, threw their backpack over their shoulder then spun upside-down out of the aircraft down onto the thick canopy below.

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