Chapter Thirty Eight

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Uploaded 19/06/2015
Edited 18/12/16

Chapter 38 

"I thought we could spend the day at Universal Studios," Mum spoke to me from the other side of the table.

I decided to take my breakfast with the family instead of staying in the East wing wondering where on Earth Ashley was. After telling him who I thought was behind the blackmail he did not come home last night. To say I was worried was the least of my troubles.

"I always wanted to go there. Since Vivian managed to get me to have two months off at my job I am all yours." Sam chuckled from next to me. Her vacation was up tomorrow at the nursing home that she worked at. Vivian managed to coerce the owner into giving her a longer vacation with full-time pay. Who says money cannot buy you happiness.

"I don't see a problem with going to the Studios. I was there a couple of times myself. What do you think Nova?" I looked over to see Nova place her Phone back on the table she appeared distracted allot lately.

"I think you should do what best for you. I haven't been there for some time. Couldn't spare over a hundred dollars for a ticket." She picked up her iPhone to tap away furiously at the screen.

"Don't worry about the prices of the tickets," Vivian said breezily. "You're forgetting that we own production companies. Sometimes we film over there. I get my P.A on it so you have V.I.P tickets within the hour."

Sam gripped my hand tightly. "Really?" She beamed like a kid that was told that Santa Clause was actually real and the rest of the world was crazy. "Do you think you could put us in the film as an Extra?"

"Sam!" Mum sounded outraged she looked over to Vivian with a little glint in her eye. "If you could do so I would be grateful never the less."

I rolled my eyes at my fame-seeking family. I always wondered where I got the flared for dramatics from.

"I try my best. I just sent her an email." Vivian clicked off her Blackberry. "Have you heard from Ashley? I was hoping on seeing him this morning."

I shook my head slowly. "I have no idea he said he had some business to attend to last night."

"I am worried. Someone called the IRS there is an audit of Wentworth Productions. I think he has gone to oversee that." Vivian picked up the newspaper that Alfred placed on the table beside her. "Thank you, dear."

Alfred gave a slight bow to resume his position by the door. Ever watchful but silent. The man must be nearing eighty but yet his posture would never show his age.

"Is there any place for concerns?" I asked, so this must be the business that Ashley had said he needed to sort out.

Her hazel eyes flicked up from the newspaper. "Everything should be above board. Cameron has been seeing to things during Ashley's..... Absence."

"The passes are ready for them." A blonde that I recognized when I saw her walking in the corridor with Ashley mum a couple of weeks pass came in. "Once they go to the studio's security will issue them with a pass."

"Thanks, Lucy." Vivian folded up the newspaper standing up. "I have a driver escort you to the park and someone to stay with you at all times."

"I don't need a bodyguard," I told her. It will be weird to have someone following me around all day.

"Since you are now part of this family. You will need one. One doesn't get rich and stay rich without a few enemies." She smiled at my family then talked in hush whispers to Lucy as they left.

Nova raised her nicely plucked eyebrows. "Lifestyle of the rich and the famous." She said dryly.


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