the backbone of our story

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Since I was little, I was taught to think before I do. So, I started thinking. A lot. Knowledge became my addiction. I want to know everything. And that is my biggest dream. Knowing everything. Since I can remember. And that, remembering, is my biggest talent. I have a photographic memory. This makes it hard to forget, in fact.

Now, my father is very supportive of his daughter. Daughters to be exact. Although he always wished we'd follow in his footsteps. Become a powerful swordswomen and take over his dojo.

My big sister Kuina has always been better than me at wielding a sword. How could she not have, outdoing me by two years of training.
I had set the goal to pass her soon enough.
As of now, Kuina is still taller, stronger, and more experienced in wielding a sword than little me is. But it was not too long until I understood the physics behind it. I was training at night, and studying during the day. All by myself.

During this intensive training, another boy was training just as intensely to overcome Kuina's skill. Roronoa Zoro had joined the Isshin Dojo not too long ago. He was already very skilled and finished off everyone in his league easily. His sensei's daughter, though, had stolen his sworn title to be the best of the whole dojo.
A fight against Kuina had been suggested by our father. And to no one's surprise, except for Zoro's, Kuina dodged every hit. He didn't understand. How could she be so much better? She's a girl!

Kuina took it upon herself to stop his whining, as she and our father saw great potential in Zoro. Henceforth, Kuina and Zoro fought every night at the same exact time, at the same exact spot. And every day, Kuina had beat him. And he didn't understand. So, she tried to explain. And he trained all day long until the sun had set and it was time to try again.

While Kuina and Zoro were occupied, the others asleep, and father focused on his two most skilled fighters, I snug out to the woods. Every night, I tried to execute the tactics I had proven most effectively during my studies. And when I was participating in training with my league during the day. Sometimes, I even fought with my eyes closed, solely sensing my opponent. I collected all the mistakes my opponents or myself have made. Just as I have seen or heard it once, I try to improve right away. Mostly successful at that. My progress is quite visible to my father, who is trained in observing people. I've got that from him.

One faithful night, I was followed by my father, who had been keeping an eye on me all day. He followed me deep into the woods, past many cut-up trees. Finally, I stopped. Right in front of a tree, that hasn't been cut off just yet.
"Father, you can come out," I said.
"Very well. How did you know I was here, Kairi?" he questioned, walking out of the shadows into the moon's shining.
"I could just... feel it. It's okay. I've been training too, you know?"
" I see... How come you don't train with your sister and Zoro?" We all used to be good friends. Still are.
I stopped for a second. Pondering whether my father would understand. I know he enjoys his students training together and learning from each other. But if anyone would understand it's him.

"These two have a very special bond forming. Also, Zoro is learning the three-sword style. I don't think my trying-to-figure-things-out will fit in with them so well." I hesitated a little but left it at that.
"So that is all your reasoning? No reasons for your older sister to think of you as weak?" How did he know exactly what I had just refused to say? My facial expression must have just laid all my cards on the table.
"She does not think of you in such a way. She knows very well that you have a potential way past hers." my father added after a pause.
"Thank you, Father," we engulfed in a hug.
"Now, I would like to see what you have been practicing. I can tell you have made quite the progress within a short time."

For the rest of the night, I demonstrated how I have been making use of acceleration, kinetic energy, and most of all, Observation. Especially of surroundings and opponents. My father has given me another book for my studies. Observation Haki.
He thinks that's the reason for my sensing the opponent's moves. Only a few people have it and not everyone is aware. I should train my Haki to make a proper use of it, he said.

The next evening, I had been nudged by my father to fight against Kuina again. She happily accepted. Excited to see what her sister has learned.

Just at that moment, on the other side of the bush, Zoro had walked past. He must be lost again. However, he stopped and watched Kuina and me fight.

I knew Kuina's first move. She always started the same way to intimidate the opponent with her confidence. I blocked and used her momentum to bring her to a fall. The wado ichimonji flew off. I pointed my Katanas at her chin. Sweet victory for me. Or, so I thought.
If I didn't have to check who's been watching me... I meet Zoro's eyes, who's now ducked behind the bushes. As if I couldn't see him through the leaves. I started chuckling and was about to call him out, as Kuina took her chance to kick my katanas away.
"Always keep your eyes on your opponent" Kuina smiled. "The rest was amazing nonetheless. I am surprised, yet very proud." Tiny tears began forming in my eyes. "Thank you, I very much appreciate that. Especially coming from you." we smiled and embraced so very tightly in a hug.

Sharp and Sharper. Roronoa Zoro x (fem OG) reader // One Piece fanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz