Chapter 24

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Marcella's POV

 I waited outside of Beau's classroom. I thought about my sister Flora who was in pain after hearing someone's name. She was crying out for Melissa, her lover I think. Flora had hidden things from me ever since she came back from the library. She's never there anymore in the dorm room. She'll be with Inesa the entire time. Am I enough for my sister?

Slowly I feel my eyes wanting to well up. She was my comfort and knew what it was like to be hurt by him; our father. She would call her big sister, and slowly the nice feeling of nostalgia turns bitter. I feel tears wanting to spill out. Inesa is stuck in a coma while my sister Flora has become distant.

If I hadn't wanted to go to this school with my sister, would life be better than it is? Maybe if I had left, it wouldn't have gotten this bad. The door opened, and I felt a warm embrace. I look at Briar who hugs me.

"I'm finished! Do you want to get something to eat?" I nod and she grabs my hand. I feel my heartbeat get faster. A smile that looks so beautiful and loving on her. She really is ethereal. We walk through the hallways and the sunlight casts its glowing light on her. She looked like an angel, gently gliding on the floor.

She giggles and notices how the floor was kind of slippery. She takes my other hand and we gently glide. She turns to me and I feel the soft breeze over my face. Briar presses me close to her body and I follow the rhythm to her body. We continue, spinning one or the other. Till we gently slow our tempo. She still spins me and dips me to end our dance.

I laugh and she laughs along with me too. We continued to walk, and she once more held my stray hand. I noticed the soft flush on her face; but I didn't utter a word. I look at her, and feel my heart hurt. Deep down I knew she wasn't mine, nor will she ever be. I'm not good enough for her, she deserves the world. I knew those actions she did were to please someone who didn't see her beauty nor loyalty.

She looks at me, and leads me to the cafeteria. I noticed only the East side students were eating in the cafeteria. She gets food for the both of us, and we walk to the garden. She sits on a bench, and I sit next to him. We begin to eat, and he begins to spill on what was going on. Once we finished, I lay on her lap, and she played with my hair. I hear her soft singing, unable to recognize the song.

"What song is that?" She sighs, and I look at her eyes. They were full of mourning and sadness. I hug her and she hugs me softly.

"It was a song from a long time ago, it was a song that someone dear to me sang. She had the most beautiful voice; it sounded like an angel." I nod, trying to smile. My heart softly cries.

"Is this person still dear to you?" I watch her nod, and watch tears fall.

"Yes but it was a long time ago. It doesn't matter.. After all, they're dead." I gasp, but she smiles.

"I only cherish what they were like in life, and no longer mourn for them in death. But," I nod, her eyes sparkle in the sunlight. We lean in close, and she places her hand on my face.

"I have someone new to cherish Marcella, do you know who?" I shake my head, and she plays with my hair.

"They're beautiful, so awe inspiring. I would fight wars if it means to have them in my arms; I would write songs, and paint pictures but each would pale in comparison; none compared to their beauty. They're so brave, and so kind hearted. So strong; I would give up my life a thousand times if it means to have them with me once in this lifetime." I feel my heart swell, and she pulls me onto her lap.

I stare into those pools of dark green. I lean in closer to her; till our breaths mingle.

"Briar I-" "Marcella I-" We laughed and before I could finish my phone rings. I get off of her lap. I answer it only to hear my sister's voice.

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