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Y/n flies back down as he looks at Tama

Y/n: Are you okay Tama? That guy got what he deserved

Tama: Anaki...!!!

Tama cries as she holds onto Y/n as he picks her up and starts to spin her around

Y/n: At least you are okay Tama, that's all that matters...

People start to come out of their houses as they realise what he just happened

Samurai 1: No way...is that...?

The samurai walk closer and closer to Y/n before stopping and bowing.

Luffy: W-what's going on?

Zoro: Why are they all just bowing in front of Y/n?

Samurai 2: So they were right. The prodigy boy has returned! The future daiymo of the Wano country....Y/n!!

Y/n smiles as he looks at Zoro and Luffy

Y/n: I guess they see me as quite special.

Kiku: What are you going to do Y/n-sama?

Y/n looks down to the ground. He thinks hard about what he is going to do and what option he should take. He nods as he lets go of Tama and walks towards the Samurai

Tama: Anaki....

Y/n: I am Oni Y/n. The future Daiymo of the Wano country. And I will become the future Daiymo

The samurai start to cheer as people around start to cheer.

Y/n: Take me to the flower capital. I have business there.

Samurai 1: Indeed Y/n-sama!

Luffy, Zoro and Tama are confused as Y/n turns to them

Y/n: Goodbye for now...Captain. Zoro-dono, Tama

Zoro: What are you talking about Y/n!? You are you on about!? Luffy!! Do something!!

Luffy says nothing as he looks at Y/n in the eyes

Luffy: This is what you wanted didn't you.

Tama: Anaki...where are you going!? Why are you going to flower capital

Zoro turns to Luffy

Zoro: What are you talking about!?

Luffy: He told me on the way here....that he....he was going to leave the crew.

Zoro looks at Y/n in shock

Zoro: What?! What are you on about!?

Y/n: This is my home Zoro-dono. I am going to stay here and not leave. You guys can go on and beat Kaido without....me.

Y/n grabs his swords as he puts them on his waist as he starts to walk off.

Zoro: You...!!

Zoro runs towards Y/n as he tries to slash him but Y/n uses his observation haki as he easily dodges him and puts a sword to his neck with ryou on it

Y/n: I know you want to leave with your life. So just back up.

Zoro is in shock at how Y/n was able to move so he backs up next to Luffy

Y/n: I'm sorry Zoro-dono...Luffy-dono. If you see anyone else, tell them that I....Oni Y/n has left the straw-hat crew.

Y/n turns away from them as he walks towards the samurai

Y/n: We should head out shouldn't i

Kiku: Yes Y/n-sama.

Y/n and Kiku walk off leaving behind Luffy, Zoro and Tama

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