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Nami: Turn a bit to the left...

Y/n slowly turns the helm

Y/n: Oi Nami-Dono!? Is this okay cause I'm not really good at this!!

Nami: Just turn it a bit...more

Y/n was steering the ship as Nami was just on his back

Luffy: COME ON NOW!!!

Everyone was just on the floor

Luffy: You have to put some spirit into it!! or else we are just going to sink!

Y/n: Be quiet Luffy!! I am trying to concentrate!

Nami: I'm confused how you were even able to make it to Water 7 if you couldn't even navigate...

Y/n: I got imprisoned but I got bored and I escaped which eventually led me to Water 7

Y/n: And also Luffy-Dono, they are not really use to be jumping down from that high.

Luffy: Its fine! You were able to save us anyway, didn't you?!

Y/n: Yeah....but it still must have been quite scary for them though

He slowly puts Nami down as they look in each other's eyes.

Nami: U-um...Baka!!

Nami just punches Y/n

Y/n: Oi!! What did I even do!?

Nami: W-we are going off course thanks to you!! You need to turn to port...

Carrot: Okaaaaay!! I've got it!!

Y/n: Now that's the spirit..

Luffy: See? I told you that were completely fine...

Luffy turns around


He looks as he sees Carrot standing there.


Carrot: I came to follow Sensei!! I cant leave him alone can I?

Y/n: Yeah um...she tagged along with me when we were jumping down..

Carrot: That's right sensei!

She goes as she bites his ear

Y/n: You need to stop doing that!!

Pedro: Sorry, but we have to turn this ship back around!!

Carrot: No, please don't turn it around!! Wanda already saw me off! She saw me!

Pedro: But this is very serious Carrot! We are going to be infiltrating the territory of one of the emperors of the sea! We are not going there to be having fun.

Carrot: I've always wanted to go on a adventure at sea!! And it would be even better if I'm with Sensei! So please let me stay on! I'll do anything!! Look I even brought lunch

Y/n: It's just a carrot.

Carrot: Juice even!

Y/n: You brought carrot juice.

Carrot: Snacks!

Y/n: Which are also carrots.

Carrot: And some nice clothes!

Y/n: Not bad.

Pekoms: How longer are those things going to last ya?

Carrot: About a good half day! I mean the sea is a big place, right?

Y/n: Carrot-Dono...

Carrot: Yes master!

Y/n: This trip is going to take multiple days.

Oni's Path (One Piece X Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant