Y/n vs Big Mom Pt. 2

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Y/n jumps at Big Mom again as they clash. Y/n realises that he not that much on the backfoot like how he was at the start of the fight.

Big Mom: Don't get cocky Y/n!! Zeus!!

Big Mom grabs Zeus

Zeus: Yes Mama!!

Big Mom: Indra!!

The lightning arrow fires at Y/n as he gets hit by one of them in the shoulder as he coughs out blood and goes flying into one of the rocks

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The lightning arrow fires at Y/n as he gets hit by one of them in the shoulder as he coughs out blood and goes flying into one of the rocks.

Y/n: Tch.

Y/n wipes away the blood as he turns off the flames on his back as he flies at Big Mom as blinding speeds and starts to just circle around here, thus creating a cyclone.

Big Mom: Huh!? Where did he go?! Do you see him! Zeus! Prometheus!

Zeus: No Mama!

Prometheus: I don't see him at all!

Y/n: I am right here.

Big Mom looks up as sees Y/n just looking down at her from the top of the cyclone.

Y/n: Blaze Two Sword Style: Twin Dragon Imperial Flames!!

Y/n uses advanced conquerors on his attack as it directly hits Big Mom as she goes sent flying down into the ground.

Big Mom coughs up some blood as she looks at Y/n

Big Mom: Mamamama!! I'm surprised that you were able to damage me at all..

Big Mom laughs as she looks up to see Y/n's smile had gotten bigger.

Y/n: I'm not done yet!!

Y/n wipes away some blood as he flies down towards Big Mom and clashes with her. The conquerors haki just bursts and sparkles around as they have a conquerors haki clash with each other.

Unfortunately for Y/n, Big Mom's haki is stronger then his so she punches Y/n in the face causing him to cough out more blood as he gets sent into a rock.

Big Mom: I might as well finish you off quickly Y/n. Even though you do have advanced conquerors coating, you are almost still on the same level as you had come here two years ago! 

Y/n: And who...decided that!!

Y/n slowly gets up as Big Mom smiles and uses Zeus to fly as it has now become a air battle.

Big Mom: Heavenly Feuer!!

Big Mom grabs Prometheus as she tries to punch Y/n with Prometheus.

Y/n: Oh no.

Y/n just dodges out of the way as he decides that its time to go in with an attack of his own. Y/n lights his hand using Andon as he uses his Advanced Conquerors haki coating as he flies towards Big Mom and decks her straight in the face.

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