Legendary Marine

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Two days Later

The Straw-Hats plus Y/N were just relaxing in the place where they were staying at after the invasion on Enies Lobby. Out of nowhere, there is just a huge noise as the wall just comes crumbling down as a figure approaches.

Y/N: Don't worry. I got it

As Y/N runs towards the figure that has just ruined their whole wall as he goes in to punch the person but he gets absolutely one shot by the person as Y/N falls into the wall breaking it himself.

Chopper:AHHHH!! Y/N HAS BEEN HIT!?!?!?!

Nami: Y/N...

???: So Y/N..you thought you could challenge me again.

The person laughs as Luffy recognises the voice of the person and steps back In fear.

Zoro: Luffy? What happened? Who is it.

Zoro instantly pulls out all three of his swords as he sees that this person is no joke.

Y/N: Oww!! Why did you have to that huh?

Luffy/(Y/N): Gramps!!/Garpjuro!!

Straw-Hats: Gramps!??

As they look at the Hero of the Marines Monkey D.Garp as he continues to laugh.

Y/N: Don't try mess with him or you will end up like me.

Y/N is still embarrassingly stuck in the wall.

Luffy: He has tried to kill me on soooo many occasions!

Y/N: I met him one time on a island and he has continues to beat me everywhere I go. I will beat you you know! Right after I settle the score with Yamato.

Garp: Yeah Yeah whatever. And Luffy! I pushed you over cliffs, threw you into the jungle at night to be attacked by monsters and much more. But I only did it to make you strong men!!

Garp: You were trained with Ace to become Marines. I leave them for a few years, Ace is now a pirate and now you are too!!

Luffy: Its cause I always wanted to be a pirate!!

Garp: Tch. Its all Red Hairs fault you are in this mess.

Luffy: Thats wrong!! Shanks saved my life!!

Garp: What did you say!!?

As Garp goes to grab his shirt.

Luffy: I'm sorry I'm sorry!!???

Garp was about to punch him but they both fell asleep.


Y/N just smirks

Y/N: Typical Garp!

Out of nowhere, Garp wakes up.

Garp: Oh. I fell asleep

Garp looks at Luffy who was snoring away.


As he absolutely clobers Luffy as Luffy just screams in pain.

Garp: Anyway, do you even know what kind of pirate Red Haired is?

Luffy: Is shanks doing okay??

Garp: He is doing more then okay!! He has been established as one of the top four strongest people in the other part of the Grand Line. The same class as Whitebeard.

Y/N: Whitebeard you say?

Y/N smashes his way out of the wall as the wall just crumbles

Garp: They are the four Yonkos of the sea. Shanks, Kaido, Big Mom and Whitebeard.

Y/N: Kaido...

Y/N spits out that name in anger as he pulls out his Kanabo.

Garp: Still wanna settle your score with Kaido? Trust me Kid, you have to get a lot stronger in order to even be close to him. He is the strongest creature after all.

Y/N: Yeah I know...and I will get even stronger to beat the Kaido..

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