The Skeleton

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Nami: Do we have to go and approach him!?

Luffy: I would have been fine by myself anyway

Sanji: You would have done something stupid

Y/N: I wanna see the Skeleton Man

Luffy, Y/N, Nami and Sanji were climbing up the ship.

Y/N: I'm really looking forward to meeting Skeleton-Dono. Oi Nami. I thought you wanted the treasure in the ship.

Nami: Yeah but there is a Skeleton on the ship!

Luffy: He could be the guardian! You never know

They make it up the ship and see the Skeleton Man just staring at them which causes Nami to scream.

Y/N: Oh be quiet Nami-San.

???: How do you do!! Pardon me for my behaviour! Yohohohoho!!

Y/N: Its alright!

???: Its been decades since I've seen a person!!

As his eyes turn to Nami

???: My, Oh My!! A lovely woman!!

???: I haven't set eyes on such a beauty in a long time!! Because I don't have eyes!!

???: ..... Could I see your panties?

Nami: Hell No! I wouldn't show it to you!

As Nami kicks the Skeleton.

Y/N just bursts out in laughter

Y/N: You are funny Skeleton-Dono!

???: Dono? Are you from the land of wano?

Y/N: Indeed I am

???: Its a wonderful place

Luffy: Are you able to poop?


???: Infact I do poop

Luffy: Become my Nakama!!

???: Very well.

Sanji/Nami: HUH!?!?!

Y/N: Thats a good pick Luffy-dono.

*Time skip Brought by Nami holding Y/N's Kanabo*

???: Hello everyone!! I'm Brook!! Yohohoho

Usopp: S-Spirit!!!

Brook: Don't be like that! I'm just a-

Chopper: Skeleton!!

Usopp: Begone!!

Zoro: Who even is this guy? and what even is he?

Luffy: He is our new Nakama Zoro!!

Zoro: No he isn't!!

As everyone starts to argue apart from Brook and Y/N as they are just sitting.

Brook: Are you not part of the crew aswell! Yohohoho!!

Y/N: To be honest I couldn't really care. A Nakama is a Nakama. I used to be alone until I met these guys.

Brook: Yohohoho!! Let's just have some dinner!!

Sanji: Oi!! Don't make decisions!!

The Straw-Hats are now sitting down in the dining room as Brook and Luffy were talking.

Brook: In fact I ate the Yomi Yomi No Mi!!

Luffy: You ate a devil fruit! I ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi

Y/N: I ate the Tatsu Tatsu No Mi!

Brook: The truth is, I died a long, long time ago!

Brook then goes on to tell the Straw-Hats about his story.

Chopper: Are you Ghost?

Brook: No. No I am not!

Nami runs somewhere as she comes back with a mirror as Brook looks into the mirror.

Usopp: Y-you don't have a reflection!!!

Usopp: And you don't have a shadow!!

Y/N: Skeleton-Dono you gotta tell us..what happened?

Brook: ......

Straw-Hats: .....


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