The Alliance

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Chopper: I am Franky! So if you are injured...don't come to me

Sanji: I am Chopper! If you are hurt I will help you!

Y/n: I am Nami. Don't look at to help you in a fight!

Nami: Yosha!! I am Y/n! Even though I don't have any of my powers....

Nami just gets depressed

Y/n: Whats wrong with having no powers!?

Nami: I!!!

Franky: I am Sanji....I would rather be in Nami's body. But Y/n has to be here!!

Usopp: Why do you care so much for Nami's body

Franky: Because!!

Nami: Just pay him no attention.

They were currently in a frozen shelter

Usopp: So....this Samurai is from the Land of Wano where Y/n also used to live

Samurai & Nami: Indeed!!

The Samurai starts to tell the Straw-Hats about how Law had decided to slice his body and just spread them across the island.

Zoro: I have a question.

Zoro looks to the Samurai

Zoro: How the hell are you able to take out of your lower half?

Y/n: I was about to ask that Zoro!

Samurai: Oh, that's easy! All I do is fart!

He decides to fart

Fart: Its a skill that I am able to use!

Nami: Thats cool!!

Time skip

Nami: Why in the world do I have to wear this thing!?

They are all wearing the faces of the person that is in the body

Chopper: Now I feel super!!

Y/n: Do I really need this...

Franky: Y/n!!! Don't spoil Nami-swans looks!!

Nami: And what you going to do.

Franky: I....can't do anything about it since you are in Nami-swans body..

Nami: Thats what I thought.

Nami makes his way to Luffy and Zoro as they are talking to Brownbeard

Nami: Wait...!? Do you know Blackbeard!?

Brownbeard: No. No I don't

Nami: Oh yeah. Sorry about that.

Zoro: Listen to this! He thinks that Tra-guy will come here and save him!

Nami: I'm sorry sir. But he is definitely, 100% Not coming for you

Brownbeard: How much do you know about him!?

Nami: Plenty. A lot more then you I'll be sure

Brownbeard: Really?

Nami: Really. I would intimate you with my Conquerors haki but I don't have it right now...

Brownbeard starts to talk about how Law was able to help them.

Luffy: Tra-guy is a nice guy!! he has helped us!!

Nami: Sometimes he's saved me more then I've saved others...

Brownbeard: Punk Hazard will eventually belong to our master and our master alone!! Noone will be able to stop him!!

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