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Caesar: Shurorororo!! It's not wise to trust people Law! And if you do this is the kind of stuff that happens to you!!

Law: I will get out of this place and beat you Caesar!

He tells his guards to take back the kids from Usopp and Nami as he continues to talk to Law from the other side of the cage

Caesar: And don't forget....your heart is not in you. It is in the possession of Vergo!!

Caesar nods at Vergo as Vergo just squeezes Law's heart

Law just starts to scream in pain

Caesar: Shurorororo!! It's good that you are feeling pain, Law!!

Caesar then started to tell them on how he met Law and came about to know him

Monet: Master, I have prepared the transmission.

Monet looks at Y/n before looking back at Caesar.

Caesar: Very well then! Activate the screen!!

An Image pops up on the Den-den Mushi as it is projected.

Y/n: Why are we being shown a candy...

Luffy: And a big candy at that..

Caesar: Now to further enhance it!! If I provide Smiley with a piece of should theoretically produce a new effect on the poison gas!!

Caesar: I shall call this....Shinokuni!!

Suddenly, Smiley makes it's way to the candy

Caesar: Ahh!! Smiley!! It's been a long time hasn't it!?

Caesar: I've almost missed you-

Smiley does not listen to him and just decides to gulp the candy

Smiley does not listen to him and just decides to gulp the candy

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Caesar is shocked but Y/n just starts to laugh

Y/n: Hahaha!! How does the thing you created not even obey you!!?

Caesar looks to Y/n

Caesar: Be quiet Oni! I should have just duct taped your mouth as well as hanging you from the top!!

Eventually, The candy started to show its effect.

Y/n: Oi...why is it turning into smoke.

The camera pans as it sees the guards running away from the smoke as Zoro and the others were doing it also

Y/n: The smoke is probably not even that dangerous

Caesar just laughs

Caesar: How about we put that to the test!

One of Caesar's guards could not run fast enough as the smoke just engulfs them.

The guard just turns into white stone

Oni's Path (One Piece X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now