Straw-Hats vs Oz

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Y/N finally wakes up as he looks around at his surroundings.

Y/N: Where am I?

Zoro: Its about time you finally woke up

Zoro says smiling as Y/N smiles back as Zoro helps him up.

Y/N: New sword?

Zoro: Yeah! It's called Shisui

Y/N: Nice..Nice...I feel as if I had seen that sword at wano but that could be my imagination. Just like this sword!!

As Y/N shows the new sword that he got aswell

Zoro: Cool! So you use three swords aswell

Sanji: Can you guys stop comparing stuff and help us out!

Zoro: Oh yeah we are up against a Giant

Y/N: You mean a Ancient Giant! Suge!!

As Y/N begins to walk towards the Giant and takes out his three swords

Y/N: Uhhh..what's its name

Robin: Oz. That's its name

Y/N: Ah okay. Oi Oz! You are going down

Oz looks down at Y/N

Sanji: Also he has Luffy shadow!..

Y/N: Huh!?

Oz: Gomu Gomu no...

Y/N: I'll brave it

Y/N smiles but realises that Oz is trying to crush him so he quickly jumps out of the way.

Y/N: Uhh..I was joking. I'll get him now! Back me up

As Y/N sprints towards Oz as he slashes his foot and tries to make his way up put gets kicked away.

Usopp: Take this!

As Usopp shoots Oz and he is hit from that.

Zoro: Boost me Pervy Cook!

Sanji: Oh be quiet Mosshead!

As Sanji kicks Zoro into the air as Zoro hits Oz in the hand as Robin immobiles him using her devil fruit.

Y/N: Thunder Wave!

As Y/N sends a wave of electricity towards Oz as he gets shocked.

Oz: I'll take all of you down!

Oz: Wait? Why am I stuck!?

Y/N: Usopp-Dono. Where is Nami?

Usopp: No clue?

Y/N: I'm going to look for her. Just go and roughen him up.

Y/N runs at speeds as he tries to locate where Nami is.

Y/N finds her being chocked by some Zombie as he takes a book out of Zoro's page.

Y/N finds her being chocked by some Zombie as he takes a book out of Zoro's page

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Y/N: Rengoku..

Y/N: Onigiri!!

As Y/N slices the Zombie clean as he gets rid of the third katana

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As Y/N slices the Zombie clean as he gets rid of the third katana.

Y/N: How does Zoro do this all the time!?

Nami: Y/N-Kun!!

Y/N: What did I say about calling me that

Nami: I have something important to tell you.

Y/N: What?

Nami: Kuma is after you and Luffy because of your connections

Y/N: Shiiiii

Y/N: Its alright! We have to help the others though. Get on my back

Nami: H-huh!?

As Y/N transforms into his Dragon Form as Nami gets on his back as they fly over towards the action.

Y/N: Yo! Moria!!

Y/N shouts as Moria looks up at the full scale dragon.

Moria: ......

Y/N: Its been long since you've seen someone in this form

Y/N says laughing as he prepares a blast breath as Nami prepares a thunderbolt Tempo.

Moria: K-k-k-kaido...but wait kaidos skin wasn't red-

Before Moria wasn't able to say any more, he gets blasted by Y/N and Nami's combo attack which sends Oz and Moria flying back

Y/N: I'll admit that was good Nami-juro

Nami: T-thanks Y/N

As Y/N makes his way towards the ground as he detransforms.

Sanji: Nami-swan!!!

Chopper: Y/N! Nami!

They all start celebrating but they hear Moria's laughing as they turn to see Oz standing.

Moria: Kishishishi!! I guess I can take a Oni's shadow today!

Moria says looking at Y/N

Y/N: Sorry...

Y/N says as he takes out the three swords and stands next to Zoro as they both are using their three-swords

Y/N: But I ain't giving up to you Moria!!

As Y/N's right eye turns red and black again..

(A/N): What did you think of Y/N using Zoro's technique!!

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