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Luffy: Lets keep on going!!

Luffy shouts as he on the head of the thousand sunny as they leave the Florian Triangle.

Y/n: I can't believe it though..

Nami: Are you and Luffy going to be okay?

Luffy: Yeah we are Nami!!

Y/N: I've fought against him. I know he is strong enough to handle himself

Y/n: I trust Ace-Dono.

Luffy: Lets share the booze!

Luffy starts to hand out to everyone mugs of booze

Zoro smiles

Zoro: Whats the occasion

Y/n: Yosh! More Booze!

Nami remembers what happened thr last time Y/n drank booze

Y/n: Namijuro why are you so next to me?

But she is just snuggled up next to him

Nami: Oh nothing...nothing at all..

Luffy: I would like to welcome Brook to the Straw-Hats! Kenpai!

Straw-Hats: Kenpai!!

They all clink drinks as they shout and start drinking

Brook: Yohohoho!! I appreciate it!!

Brook takes out a violin and starts to play a song

A couple days Later

Y/n: I guess we finally made it huh...

Luffy: We have made it this far! There is no stopping now!

Nami: This takes me back..

Zoro: We have gotten a lot stronger since then. And a way stronger crew..

Brook: Yohohoho!! Laboon is around here!

Y/n: Haha! I forgot high this place is!

Y/n: The Red line.... we all crossed this place in our times sailing! But now we are together!

Usopp: T-thats true!

Usopp Is crying

Y/n yawnes

Y/n: Oi! I'm going to go and sleep. Tell me if anything happens

Y/n continues to yawn as he walks towards his room and starts to sleep.

Quick timeskip

Y/n wakes up as he goes to shower and to put on some new clothes.

Y/n: I wonder if this will do?

(A/N): Just the outfit not everything else!

Y/n looks at himself in the mirror

Y/n: Looking good! Let me take my swords

Y/n takes his three swords as he opens the door

Y/n: Huh!? Who the hell are you!? What are you doing on the ship!

Y/n: Huh!? Who the hell are you!? What are you doing on the ship!

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Camie: You are Cute!

Camie catches herself staring at Y/n as Nami and Robin are just glaring at her

Y/n: Thanks!

Camie: The mermaids on my island would love you!

Y/n smiles

Y/n: What can I say...

There is just silence

Camie: Say Say! Would you like Takoyaki!!

Camie goes towards Y/n

Y/n: I've never tried something like that

Camie: Would you like some?

Camie and Y/n get closer but Nami and Robin jump in the way stopping the two of them.

Nami/Robin: NO!

Sanji comes out of nowhere as he starts to spin with his nose bleeding

Sanji: M-m-mermaid!!

Sanji continues to spin

Y/n: Oi! Sanjitoro! Remember Granny Kokoro-san?

Sanji stops and just drops to the floor

Sanji: You didn't have to remind me Y/n...

Y/n: Whats your name

Camie: My name is Camie!

Y/n: Okay Camie-dono, why do you have a starfish with you?

Y/n points towards the starfish

Camie: This is my master Pappag! Hold on one sec

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Camie: This is my master Pappag! Hold on one sec..

Camie responds to her Den-den Mushi as she tells everyone that her friend had been kidnapped.

Luffy: We will help you out!

Y/n: I'll sail...I know the place.

Nami: Of course you do!

Robin: Typical Y/n!

Y/n: Whatever whatever!

As Y/n sets sail with Camie next to him giving him directions towards her friend..

(A/N): Thanks for reading! Where should Y/n get swiped to by Kuma? Any ideas?

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