Signal (Punk Hazard Arc)

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They have finally entered the New World. But they have been experiencing some weird weather.

Luffy: We should go that Island over there!!

Y/n: You mean that one over there?

Luffy nods

Y/n: *Smiles* Yeah!! Let's go over there!!


Nami: Idiots!! Both of you!!

Nami punches Y/n and Luffy

Nami: And none of the three needles point into that direction!! It might not be safe!

Luffy: I don't really care how weird it is!! Me and Y/n are going there!!

Nami: The Ocean is on fire!! We should definitely not go to that place!!

The waves start to get even more choppier as they get big

Sanji walks out of the kitchen

Sanji: Guys....its about that Fish that we caught...

He shows them the fish

Sanji: The whole fish got burnt to a entire crisp..

Y/n: So your telling me.....

Y/n: I risked my life!! For a tiny bit of meat!!

Usopp: This ship could be next!! Or worse!! We might be next...!!

Franky: Noo...!!

Nami: Look at all of those fish!! They are all just bones!!

Brook: Well that's quite rude Nami-san!?

They eventually hear something or someone crying

Luffy: Whats even going on!? Why is the Den-den Mushi crying!?

Y/n approaches the Den-den Mushi

Y/n: Its a distress call...someone is trying to talk to us!! They need help!!

Luffy: Then pick it up then Y/n!!

Robin: Hold on!! It could be a trap by the marines! So we shouldn't answer it!!

Usopp: Don't answer it Y/n!!

Y/n: Well...Old Man Hitesu taught me to always care for others so..

He picks up the Den-den Mushi

Y/n: Hello!? Who is it?

???: Someone please help!! It's cold here!!....Boss!?

Y/n: I am noones boss. How is it even cold?

???: This is bad!! We have all been friends have been sliced...!!

???: We are going to be the deadly samurai!!!!

Y/n: Calm down...who are you? and where even are you?

???: We are at....PUNK HAZARD!!!

The call gets cut

Usopp: What happened...why did it cut like that?

Y/n: He got the deadly samurai..!!

Chopper & Usopp: AAAAAHHHHH!!! HE GOT CUT!!

Y/n: I know....but at least they died a honourable death.


Y/n: Since the person said samurai...that must mean that the person..

He walks to the front of the Sunny

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