Blazing Hell

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Y/n: I thought Level 3 was hot! Why is this even hotter!

Y/n, Luffy and Bon had climbed the wall are now in Level 4

Bon: Look down there..

Luffy: Why does it have to be this hot

Y/n: I know I'm hot but this is even hotter

Bon: In order to even get to Level 4, you have to get past this! The Blazing Hell!

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Bon: In order to even get to Level 4, you have to get past this! The Blazing Hell!

Luffy: Jeez this a different level of hot...

Y/n: So they have entrances to other levels..

They continue to walk through thr blazing hotness until they hear screams

They all look to see three faces. A heavily bandaged Minotauros, Buggy and Mr. 3

Y/n: How come you guys are here?


Buggy points to Minotauros

Mr. 3: I should have just let those guards bring me back to my cell..

Y/n: I'll deal with it

Y/n jumps over to the Minotauros as it starts to cower away

Y/n: Get lost.

The Minotauros quickly nods and quickly sprints away

Y/n turns and smiles

Y/n: That solves that problem! Now lets make our way to Level 4!!

Buggy & Mr. 3: NO!!! WE HAVE TO ESCAPE!! UP! UP!

Luffy: But Ace is down!

Y/n: We all want to escape this place but you guys want to go up but we want to go down!!

Luffy: We can all escape after we save Ace!!

Buggy & Mr. 3: NO NOW!!

Bon: Mugi-chan. Y/n-chan. We should just leave them!

They all start to argue until...

Luffy: Uhhh guys...why is the ceiling getting higher

Y/n: Its cause we are falling Luffytoro...

Everyone: WAIT!! WE ARE FALLING!!!

Buggy: We are still falling!!

Y/n: Don't worry! I've got this!

Y/n transforms into a smaller version of his Dragon Form as he grabs everyone

Quick Timeskip

Mr. 3: I can't believe you saved us Y/n-san.

Y/n: Don't worry. I trust you guys so I saved you

Y/n starts to walk off

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