The Crimson Hell

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One of the Blugoris swung their axe at Buggy but he was able to dodge it

Buggy: Take this!!

He grabs onto the Blugoris and throws him

Buggy: Thats what you get for missing with the great Buggy-sama!

However, the Blugoris gets up again and punches him

But his body parts just split

Buggy: Oi! Oi! Don't do that

Y/n quickly sprints towards the Blugoris and slices it leaving it unconscious

Buggy: I-i guess you are strong

Y/n: Yes. Yes I am.

Luffy: Thats right! But I am stronger then him

Y/n just side-eyes him

Buggy: Don't get careless!! There are still four more left...

Y/n: Don't worry...I've got a trick up my sleeve


Buggy: What in the world was that!?

Buggy looks to see the Blugoris charred to a crisp

Y/n: Its my move. My right arm called Amaterasu! It's able to incinerate anything

Prisoners watched the beat down

Prisoner 1: These guys are strong...

Prisoner 2: Who even are they!?

Buggy grabs a axe from the Blugoris and Luffy and Y/n all start to run

Buggy: You guys want to save Ace!?

Y/n: Yeah we do. Do you know about Ace-Dono?

Buggy: Yeah...we had a drink or two as he temporarily joined our crew. It's absolute foolishness to touch one of Whitebeard's commanders.

Y/n: Do you know who fought him? Cause apparently it was Blackbeard and Dark Eye.

Buggy pauses

Buggy: It was them...they tag teamed against Ace and the Dark Eye gave the finishing blow..

Y/n: We need to Level 5 to save Ace-Dono.

Buggy: Level 5!? Nope! That is too risky for me! You guys can go on your own because I am not a part of this!!

He walks away

Y/n: How would you be able to escape if there are battleships all over this place.

Buggy: Wait what?

Luffy: Did you not know? They tightened the security of this place..

Buggy: W-well I guess I should just kill some time on here!

Y/n: Lets go and ask someone else!

Luffy: Yeah!

Luffy and Y/n start to run

Buggy: Hold it Straw-Hat!!

Luffy: What do you want Buggy?

Guards: There they are! Shoot them!!

Bullets start to fly towards them as they start to run

Buggy: I want that armband Straw-Hat!! Pass it over!!

Y/n: Why do you even need it?

Buggy: I will lead you guys to where Ace is!! If you give me that armband...

Luffy: Really!? You will show us where Ace is!?

Buggy: Yeah. But we need to get rid of these enemies!!

Buggy starts to fly as Luffy holds onto Buggy's feet.

Y/n just sprints to catch up to them

Buggy: I will show you guys the way to Level 2

Luffy: First off! Here you go!

Luffy gives the armband to Buggy

Buggy: Y-you are giving it to me!?

Y/n: Yep

Luffy: We are only here to save Ace so that's what we are going to do!

Buggy: These guys really are so nice...they just gave me his treasure!!

Buggy: Nothing can go wrong now-

Buggy hits a wall

Luffy: Yosh! Into the wall we go!

Y/n: Lets go!!

Buggy: No! NO!

Luffy breaks into Buggy pushing him and then Y/n pushes Luffy which smashes the wall completely

Guard 1: What is going on!?

Guard 2: That appears to be Buggy the clown and two other people..

Buggy: No way we are in the guards room...these guys are such a mess!!

Y/n: Yosh! Let's keep going!!

Y/n and Luffy continue to push Buggy as they break through a wall

Guard 1: Stop them!!

Y/n: Amaterasu!! Sort them out!!

They continue to pass through walls as Amaterasu just slices the two guards

They eventually see red trees

Y/n: We are here...Level 1 of impel down. Crimson Hell

Luffy: Why is it called that?

Y/n: There are blade trees which pierce through people and the grass is like needles

Luffy: So how do we get to Ace?

Buggy: We have to keep going down!

They all make their way through the forest until they make it to a hole

Y/n: The only down!!

Y/n jumps in as Luffy smiles and follows him

Buggy: Don't go down there-

Y/n: Just come downnnnn!!

Y/n's voice echos as he continues to fall

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