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"tu tu hai vahi dil ne jise apna kaha"

"tu tu hai vahi dil ne jise apna kaha"

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I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Aarav I don't know about the future but for now, I want to give you or give us a chance"


"Yes, let's be friends and I allow you to take me out on a date. I'm free tomorrow, let's go on a date"

I couldn't help but remember her words. I put a hand on my mouth looking at myself in the mirror.

"You're going on a date aarav, with your crush"

I almost screamed.

I was in my own thoughts when a knock on my washroom interrupted me.

"Oye? Are you gonna come out? I need something from this washroom" I heard manvi di's voice while knocking.

"well technically it's my washroom so I can stay here as long as I want" I answered back.

"Aaru I swear, I have a lot of things to do so just come out of here"

I rolled my eyes and opened the door. Can someone let me be delusional in peace?

"Please go inside and I hope you never come out" I stated while looking at di while she just rolled her eyes.

I sat on while getting comfortable in the blanket.

I pinched myself on the cheek and it hurted, so it's not a dream. I'm really going on a date. Oh my god, how am I going to sleep?

"Let's go on a date aarav"
"I'm free tomorrow"
"I want to give you or give us a chance"

I couldn't help but smile at the words echoing in my ears. She wants to give me a chance. She wants to give us a chance.

I giggled and slapped myself lightly.

"Stop aarav, stop behaving like a teenager who just got his first girlfriend"

"But what's wrong with behaving like a teenager? She's the first person I'll be dating tho"

"Where should I take her tomorrow? And should I buy her flowers? But what if she doesn't like flowers? Should I buy her something else? Should I take her to a restaurant? Or park? Or library? Or beach? What does she even like?"

I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Okay aarav, let's not stress too much, it's your first date ever. Yea and that's the reason I'm stressing out"

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and forced myself to sleep. Altho I know I'm definitely not getting any sleep today. But I have to.


I said yes to him. I cried in front of him. He's my secretary. Can I trust him?

I sighed while putting away my thoughts and focusing on the file in front of me. I came to office an hour early today because I wanted to finish everything on time.

Obviously because I have a date. I don't know if I like aarav or not but I get werid feeling when he's not around. It's like I'm addicted to his presence. I don't know about love but I do want him. Beside me.

I had been working for almost an hour and it's 9:30 am now. Where's aarav? He should've been here by 9:00am. Is he okay?

My thoughts got cut off when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said while my eyes focused on the door. I know it's aarav, I can feel his presence.

The door opened and-
What is he carrying? Is it-?

"Hey" he said while looking at me with a small smile.

"Aarav this-?"

"I know it's not much but I wanted to gift you something simple for our first date"

Simple? Not much? Is this guy kidding me? He got me a bouquet of carnations. And that bouquet is most probably triple of my size.

He placed the flowers on the couch in my cabin and came in front of me.

"I know you don't usually dress up but remember the day you wore a suit and earrings? So I thought you would like this"

He said while forwarding his hands that had a pair of silver jhumkas and jhanjar (anklets). He got me a pair of jhanjar as well? How does he knows I love anklets? I loved them since my childhood. Mumma used to wear a beautiful jhanjar with pearls and bells on it and the sound it made was so pleasing.

I widened my eyes and looked at him.
"Aarav how do you know I love jhanjar?"
"You're punjabi so I kind of figured it out?" He said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Stereotypical enough" I said with a smile which he returned.

"But it's just our first date, you didn't have to get me all these stuff" I stated.
"Yea but I wanted to, I wanted to make you feel special because you are special"

My body freezed at his words.
Special? I'm special?

I smiled at him as he cupped my face.

"So miss malhotra, can I go on a date with you today?"
"You can" I smiled while my gaze was fixed at him.


"Aarav aur kitna time?" I asked irritatedly.

"Just a minute moonlight"

I rolled my eyes at him.

"You've been saying this from past fifteen minutes, c'mon you can do this later"

I've been sitting in his cabin for past fifteen minutes but apparently he has some work I have no idea about. I'm his boss and I'm telling him to leave but he's here being a "workaholic"

"You're the same, what're you talking about?" I heard a voice from the back of my mind. So what if I usually do a bit of extra work sometimes?

"Aren't you being too desperate for our date moonlight?" He smirked.

"Shut up, I'll fire you"

"As if you can live without me" he smiled.

"I- I- You-" I blushed at his statement while trying to control myself from smiling.

"A-are you blushing right now?" He asks while widening his eyes.

I just turned my eyes away from him.

"THE Naina Malhotra being speechless and blushing too? Now that's new. Is it because of me?" He smiled while looking at me.

I turned my face away from him as I could feel my cheeks getting even more heated.

What the fuck? Am I actually blushing?

"You look adorable" he stated while grabbing my chin and making me look at him.

"You look even more adorable when I know I'm the only one who make Naina Malhotra blush like a teenager"

I yanked away his hand and left his cabin as he followed me behind while laughing a little.

I changed my Instagram account , it's _.ikawrites._ now 💗

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