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"Stalking is a crime"
"Uh- we are not stalking anyone"
"Then why are you both following me sir?"
"We- um-"

Abhimanyu looked at rishabh with helpless eyes. My gaze went from abhimanyu to rishabh and well, he had the same helpless eyes.

"We were just going in same direction, right abhi?"
"Huh? Yea direction, same direction"

I raised an eyebrow at them and they just walked away trying to pretend that nothing happened.

These guys were definitely following me. Ever since I came into this building I felt a pair of eyes following me wherever I go.

And that's when I noticed abhimanyu and rishabh watching me during lunch.

So They've been following me the whole day? Why? And why are these guys always here? Don't they have their own companies to manage? And why they're always in Naina's cabin?

Wait- Aarav stop. No. You're not going to do this. C'mon man.

You're an adult, getting jealous because your boss, who doesn't know you like her, meeting her college friends sounds so childish. Absolutely not.

I'm not going to get jealous over these things. Get a grip on yourself Mr. Aarav murty. You're not someone who behaves unprofessionally at work.
I fixed my collar and walked towards my cabin.

I went inside my cabin and turned on the AC. I relaxed on my chair. Working in the topmost company isn't bad afterall. I straightened my back and started working on the documents.

Having your own cabin as a secretary is so peaceful. I can work peacefully and there is literally noone here to disturb me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my cabin as I looked up to find-

"Heyyy aaru" his head peeking through the door while he had a creepy smile on his face.

His voice is extra sweet. Either he needs something or he caused trouble.

My peaceful expression turned into a disgusted one.

He smirked at me and came inside. As his full body was visible now I could see his hands containing a- A HUGE BUNDLE OF FILES?


"No sid, not happening"
"Please aaru"
"No way"
"Just this time"
"You said that last time too"
"Yrr you know I wouldn't be able to do it alone"

"Not now sid"
"Ofc not now, we'll do this tonight at your house"
"What? I never said yes"
"Please aaru, please na"

I groaned looking at the bundle of files in front of me.

"Okay fine"

Siddharth excitedly got up from his chair and crashed me in a tight hug.

"I knew it"

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