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At the beginning of the last chapter I accidentally wrote and didn't catch that I said Rhaenyra and Daemon married but I meant to say Valera not Rhaenyra. For some reason Wattpad isn't updating the chapter after I fixed it so I just wanted to make it clear for you guys

Enjoy your reading :)

107 AC
Kings Landing

Princess Valera dazed off, cheek rested on her palm as she looked into the sea of people in front of her. Her mind wandering so far that the chattering of the crowded room seemed to be muffled and her vision started to blur, even with those around her constantly moving.

One by one, the Lords and Lady's of the Seven Kingdoms made their way up to where the royal family sat at the front of the room. With them, they brought gifts to celebrate the newest member of the Targaryen family.

Queen Alicent birthed a healthy baby boy only a few moons before the first anniversary of her marriage to King Viserys.

Prince Aegon II Targaryen.

"You finally got what you wanted," Valera told her father bitterly when he shared the news of Aegons birth with her. "Will you toss me aside now?" The Princess remarked, causing the Kings smile to turn to a frown.

"I could never toss you aside." The King responded, though Valera did not believe his words to be true.

Since Prince Aegons birth, Valera had only seen him a hand full of times. Prince Aegon was a fussy child, worse than Valera, Rhaenyra or Aerion had ever been. Princess Valera believed this was due to Aegon having a wet nurse, where as she insisted on breastfeeding Aerion herself.

"The child wants for its mother," Valera spoke dryly as King Viserys attempted to soothe the babe in his arms, "But I do not believe she wants for him." The Princess taunted, having noticed how absent Alicent had been in Aegons care.

After Prince Daemon left for the Step Stones, Princess Valera decided she would focus all her energy on to her son. The child grew rapidly and with each day, he began to look more and more like his father.

Prince Aerion Targaryen was a fortnight from his first name day, much to Valeras excitement and dismay.

On one hand, the Princess is enthralled with her son and everything mile stone he reaches. On the other, she wished her husband to be with her so he too could experience the joy of watching their son grow.

Valera abruptly stood from her chair as a tan man approached the table with a crate. The wood had an emblem of a sun with a spear burned in to it, a sigil that had become greatly fimiliar to her. " I am going to retire to my chambers," Valera told King Viserys, leaving without waiting for a response.

Valera left the dining hall through one of the back staircases, wanting to avoid as many people as possible. The less people that saw her, the less people who would talk to her.

The halls of the palace were empty, all life having been drawn to the celebrations. As Valera walked away from the dinning hall, the jumbled voices that distracted the princess slowly began to dissipate until the only thing Valera could hear was the clicking of her own heels. Once the silence had arrived, so did her wandering thoughts.

Valera wondered if Prince Daemon was okay, having not received a letter from him in some time. The Princess debated taking her son and leaving for Dorne where she believed she could rally forces behind her husband. Valera wanted to do this but was afraid of the seeds Alicent and Otto could sew into King Viserys mind without her around to help him think clearly.

Arriving to her chambers, Valera ordered the night maids to draw her a bath before she went to check on her son. After Prince Daemon left, Valera had one of the rooms in their apartments redone to accommodate Aerion so she would have him close at all times.

Entering Aerions room, Valeras eyes took a few moments to adjust to the darkness; the only light coming from behind the sheer blue curtains his windows were decorated with. Aerions bassinet was set in the center of the room, a fur rug underneath of it.

Walking up to the cradle, Valera could see the swaddle of blankets laying in the bassinet but when the Princess reached for her son, the cloth collapsed into itself.

Valeras eyes widened and she tossed the blankets from the crib, a scream coming from her at the same time. Hearing the Princesses distress, two of Valeras maidens ran in to the room to check on her.

"Where is Aerion?!" The Princess demanded the information from her maidens but the girls only shot each other a confused look before also beginning to panic. The woman rummaged through the child's room, unable to find him. The longer Valera went on searching for her son, the worse she began to shake and the faster tears began to pool to her eyes. Her heart pounded so hard she could feel it ricochet through her body, every breath she took was a gasp for air that came quicker and quicker with each drawl until she finally collapsed on to herself while clutching Aerions blanket.

"FIND MY SON NOW!!" The Princess screamed at the woman before her, a roaring boom coming from the sky accompanied by a flash of lightning.

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now