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The next morning, Valera woke to the sounds of Daemon yelling for her. When she opened her eyes, she saw that the bed was empty besides her and groggily sat up, rubbing her eyes.

Daemon continues to call out for Valera until he pushes through the room doors. His eyes were wild and one of his hands sat on dark sister.

"Valera," Daemon sighed and ran to the girl who was staring at him in confusion.

The man worried that someone had snuck into the castle and took Valera. As much as he trusted his men, he still worried.

"What is wrong? What has happened," Valera questioned, knowing that Daemon wouldn't have awoken her unless it was important and he wouldn't have that tone unless it was serious.

"Get up love," Daemon told her, picking her up from her spot on the bed, "you need to get dressed. Your fathers cunt is here for you."

"Otto?" The Princess gasped in response.

Of course the King would send Otto to get her instead of coming himself, the Princess thought. The news angered Valera and she marched over to where her morning gown had been laid out for her.

Daemon helped the Princess dress, noticing that Valera was walking stiffly due to the activities they participated in the night before.

"Are you okay," Daemon asked, brushing a piece of hair behind Valeras right ear, "should I request for a warm bath?"

"We need to deal with my fathers cunt first," Valera cursed. The Princess looks around the room, hoping to find a blade she could use.

"Your sheath and sword are downstairs," Daemon mused, knowing exactly what the Princess was looking for. Valera beamed at her uncle when he said this, remembering that she had left her favorite sword here from the last time their family came to visit Dragon Stone.

Daemon went to the chest at the end of the bed and took out a fur robe for Valera, "I do not want you catching a chill," he told her.

Daemon moved around the Princess and placed the fur around her and then went to the front to tie it for her. Daemon kissed the forehead of his niece before taking her hand and leading her from the room that the two had made theirs.

When the two got down to the doors that lead to the courtyard, one of the many men from the City watch handed Valera her sword. Daemon had requested for the men of the City's Watch to come to Dragon Stone, having sent out the order via letter that was left in his Chambers to be found by his sworn shield. They arrived at Dragon Stone earlier in the day on Daemons command and quickly began their work guarding the Prince and Princess. One of the gold cloaks handed the Princess her sword and belt and she thanked him. Valera quickly fastened the sword around her waist and pulled the fur to cover her weapon.

The two left the castle and began to walk down the courtyard to the winding stone walkway. The men of the City's Watch followed swiftly behind the two royals, hands on the handle of their swords.

It didn't take long for Otto and his posse of Kings Guard members to come into view of the Princess. When the Princess saw the Hightower, the blood inside her boiled.

She still did not like the man, in fact, she hated him. Valera believed that he manipulated her father and was trying to run the realm how he thought it should be done.

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now