13.5K 379 17

105 AC
Kings Landing

The Princess was days away from her sixth and and tenth name day and the celebration was going to be one to remember.

As Valera grew, so did her beauty. She had fair skin that was kissed with freckles on her upturned nose. Her wavy, silver-blonde hair had grown down to just above her bottom, cascading beautifully over her shoulders and back. Valera's eyes were still the same as they were when she was born, a dark and light lilac that is swirled and marbled together to make a world of their own in her eyes.

Valera claimed a dragon at the age of 10 while visiting the dragon pits with her Uncle Daemon. Valera's dragon egg never hatched as a child but to this day she keeps it in her chambers on a warming bed.

Valera claimed the dragon Silverwing. Silverwing had only ever been claimed once before, by the Princess's late grandmother.

Queen Alysanne had passed away only a year before Valera wandered off from her uncle and mounted the large she dragon.

Valera recounts the dragon being rather friendly, "she seemed lonely," the Princess defended her actions to her mother and father after Prince Daemon managed to get her off of Silverwing.

Valera and Silverwing spent almost an hour being chased by Caraxes and Daemon before landing back at the dragon pit where Viserys Targaryen and Aemma Arryn were waiting.

"It is time for the feast, Princess," the Princess's handmaiden, Talia, informed her softly.

Valera took a deep breath and wiped her palms on the side of the red and black dress. Tonight marks the start of Valera becoming a Lady. After tonight, she is officially old enough to marry, although her father and mother haven't mentioned anything about marriage to her.

Ser Erryk, the Princess's sworn sheild as of two fortnights ago, escorted her to the throne room that had been converted for the feast. Once at the large double doors, Valera was greeted by two other guards.


They open the door for her, bowing their heads in respect. As the doors open, everyone's heads turn to look at the young beauty, causing her breath to hitch in her throat.

The Princess never cared to be the center of attention but being the Kings first daughter, she often was.

At the end of the room, King Viserys sits at the middle of the table. To the right is the newly pregnant Queen. To the Queens right was the Princess Rhaenyra, only 10 years old at the time.

The young Princess smiled at her sister across the Great Hall, easing some of the older Princess's nerves.

On the left of the King, there is an empty seat where Valera will sit.

Valera's eyes quickly snapped from her chair to who was sitting to the left of it.

Her Uncle Daemon.

The Rouge Prince.

The Princess's smile was wide when she saw her uncle and it encouraged her feet to begin moving.

Six moons ago, King Viserys sent his younger brother off to the Vale, hoping he may finally spend some time with his wife. Or as Daemon would refer to her, his "Bronze Bitch".

Valera Targaryen: The Storm BringerWhere stories live. Discover now